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Wei Ying followed Bai Li into the kitchen to supervise the breakfast, and Lan Zhan felt a little abandoned.

The yard was perfectly still and quiet, and lonely. He retreated to the garden for some meditation  –  doing nothing was simply impossible for him; keeping busy and keeping things in order was his life. 

But now he mused and truly understood the lesson ahead of him  –  he had to learn to let go, and it was one of the most difficult lessons in his life. Sitting beneath a bare magnolia tree, he focused on the scent of frost and winter, breathing in and out, trying to empty his mind from all obtrusive thoughts and emotions flooding his life lately. 

He had lost his peace. He deeply hoped this short respite would be of help; he yearned to be all alone with Wei Ying; even just being close to him was enough, feeling his presence nearby was enough. He had long given up on worrying how pathetic this all sounded. This was the reality he could not, and would not fight, nor change.

Wei Ying approached with a tray full of food, Bai Li following neat with a blanket in her hands. He was ready to yell and (gladly) interrupt Lan Zhan's stupid meditation, but instead he stopped in place  –  seeing his husband's face so calm and serene for the first time in a very long time was mesmerizing. He gaped and dared not move.

Bai Li understood; she approached quietly and just spread the blanket on the ground, leaving them alone as quickly as possible, without making a noise. Lan Wangji opened his eyes at the motion and Wei Ying grinned:

- Ah, husband! I thought we can have the breakfast here, yes?  –  he moved closer and put the tray on the blanket, sitting down, flushed. Even in his late 30s, Lan Zhan was exquisitely beautiful. He moved in too, to sit next to Wei Ying.

- Good idea. At least we won't be disturbed this time.  –  he sighed.

Wei Ying nodded happily and added:

- You know, I think we really needed this. And I have plans for tonight.

Lan Zhan choked on the food. He had heard this sentence before.

- Uhhh, plans?  –  he asked suspiciously.

- Yes, yes, plans! "Plans" as in "sex".  –  Wei Ying grinned.  –  I thought this was clear from the beginning. Seven days for just us  –  surely, you meant sex too, Hanguang-Jun??

Lan Zhan's face was burning red now, he was out of breath. He mumbled:

- Rather peace and quiet...  -  and now, turning to Wei Wuxian, he hesitated at first, but then asked:

- Are you...sure about this... after last night, I...  -  he fell silent, it was still too painful to talk about it.

- Ahhh, Lan Zhan! No need to be shy now! We agreed we needed a change, so there will be change! Don't you think I need sex too?! – he grinned, seeing how those words, as usual, made Lan Wangji blush profusely. 

– I said that I missed you, and I meant it. I miss you, Hanguang-Jun!!!  –  he leaned in and kissed Lan Zhan's burning cheek.

- Wei Ying...  -  he mumbled, now a little worried. 

This could turn out great, or it could be a disaster.  One never knew with Wei Wuxian.

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