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Bai Li is not a character out of the MDSZ franchise, I will use her only for the sake of the plot.


Lan Zhan woke up with a miserable headache. He squinted his eyes towards the window and, judging by the position of the sun in the sky, realized that he had overslept. 

He felt utterly exhausted for some reason, but the more important thing he needed to know was why no one had come to wake him up. And just where Wei Ying was? It was absolutely impossible for his husband to be up in the morning before him. Rubbing his forehead he got out of bed. Then he noticed the dried-up blood that was still on him.

All came back to him. All of it.

- Wei Ying!!! – he shouted, grabbing some clothes and running out of the room as quickly as he could.

Coming out onto the porch was painful – the sun was too bright. This was his worst hangover so far – he swore he'd never drink again. The whole house was very silent, the yard was absolutely empty. As if the servants were...hiding.

- Where the hell is everybody? Wei Ying!!! Bai Li?! – he shouted, thinking that if anyone knew what was happening – it would be the housekeeper, she was in charge of all servants.

Bai Li came running. She bowed respectfully, but hurriedly; it was obvious she wanted to be somewhere else, away from Hanguang-Jun.

- Good morning, Hanguang-Jun.

- Where is your Master? Answer quickly!   –  Lan Zhan was frowning.

- Master Wei is ... in one of the Guest Rooms, Hanguang-Jun. – she bowed again.

Lan Zhan was just about to hurry in that direction, when the servant spoke again, risking punishment:

- Forgive me, Hanguang-Jun, but Master Wei... wants to be...alone. The door is locked. From inside.  –  she bowed even lower now – this insolence could easily mean severe whipping, depending on her Master's mood; she was not supposed to talk to him out of turn. – I also... took the liberty to dispatch for...a physician, Master. Forgive me.

Lan Zhan went very pale all of a sudden. He ran as quickly as his legs would allow, and banged on the door with both his fists.

- Wei Ying! Wei Ying, let me in! Please! Please!  –  he begged.

There was no answer. Lan Zhan was numb with worry  –  anything could be happening behind that door.

- Please, let me in... I need to make sure you are alright... please...   -  his voice was breaking and he almost started sobbing. His eye caught a glimpse of a couple of servants who were hiding behind the door of the kitchen. He turned to them and ordered sharply:

- Prepare a bath for your Master! Make haste!

The young girls scuttled away and got busy. Everyone was wondering what was happening between the two young Masters  –  because, of course, news travelled fast - Master Wei had spent the night away from the master bedroom.

- Wei Ying...  please... My heart, please, let me in...  -  Lan Zhan felt he could not stand on his feet any more; he was so sick with worry. –  Please, my love, please....

He pressed his face against the door and broke down into tears.


Wei Ying was lying on the bed, sobbing so hard he could not breathe. He was aching all over; but the thing that was truly devastating for him was how he felt on the inside. He felt dirty, used.  It was something that no bath in the world would wash away. His mind was filled with the sensations from last night  –  the sense of utter helplessness, like he was a rag doll that anyone could push and pull, cut and stab... pull to pieces.

He had only spoken to Bai Li, asking her to fetch a doctor, as he was still bleeding, and he suspected it was serious. He had locked the door behind him straight away, fearing that Lan Zhan might follow; he sincerely believed that in that moment he was totally capable of killing him. 

What had made him lose his mind so?

And now... now the torture continued, as he was behaving as if nothing  had happened... How cruel was that... how vile! He was calling for him, as if last night had never happened... Calling him with names he believed he'd never hear again... All those words so dear to his heart...

He could only cry. 

He had no strength for anything else. 

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