Time travel machine

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TW: mention of suicide

Kokichi's POV:

while sitting in the waiting room

in my head

waiting until the portal reopens

i've had multiple things go through my mind

"what if it didnt work?"

"what if mum dies instead of dad?"

"what if the portal never reopens and it will be me that dies"

"will I ever see them again?"

I was scared yes, but I didn't fear my death

I feared for them 

my parents

and the memories I made with my classmates,because I'd have to rebuild friendships

gain trust again

its not easy for me I dont understand how I did it in the first place

Yes I had enemies

but I still cared for them even if I didn't show it

right at this moment was when I wish I confessed

I wished I said goodbye

I wished I could atleast give them a hug

I wanted to apologize for all my stupid pranks

but I couldn't

see, time travel machines dont work like in all those sci-fi movies infact

its more of a spell

you fall asleep in a bath with rose petals and an item from the time line you want to go to

you wake up in what seems like a hospital waiting room

theres a lot of people there but you cant interact with them

your number (which in my case was 8) got called and the portal opened up 

but if something goes wrong or you have to get out it throws you out and you have to wait until your year gets called

its a stressful process

why you may ask? many people dont make it out from the portal back

and those who do find it painful

I constantly heard years and numbers called 

"portal 25,opened"

"2019, return available"

"2055, return available"

"portal 2, opened"

it was painful


wasn't called for what seemed like hours

"2021,return error"

I looked around and people around me started panicking 

"2021 please force yourself awake"


is an extremely dangerous process

from the shock of forcing yourself awake you may drown

to force yourself awake you get executed

called one by one

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