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Nagito's POV:
I got home all I could think about was tsumiki's pale face
Hospital food definitely wouldn't do her well so I I'll learn how to make noodles! How the fuck am I gonna do this? Don't ask me reader

I decide to call teruteru
It's not that I trust him
He's just a good cook I wanted to ask him how to make noodles

He didn't answer
The internet's my only option
Well off I go

|time skip|

I prepared the noodles and went to bed

I was exhausted
It's summer break I don't have to worry about school so I'll go see her as soon as I can

|the next morning|
I was debating whether I should go now and get something to eat from a vending machine for breakfast or make and eat breakfast at home

I mean I don't want her to eat hospital food
Ah screw this I'm going

I put on my shoes my jacket and an umbrella it seemed that it was indeed raining outside
I thought for a second
And grabbed my backpack where I then put tsumiki's noodles
As I was making my way to the hospital I started wondering
Maybe I shouldn't get too close to her?
My luck may affect her badly
It may hurt her
That's what it always does

The same thing happened to my parents...
In that plane crash...
Why did someone like me have to survive and not them...I was just a useless child back then...and now I still am the only thing that changed is my age...

Thats right I didn't plan on talking about how I hate myself I'm here to visit tsumiki

I soon arrived at the door of the hospital I gently open the door...

I head over to the counter(?)
And ask if I could go see tsumiki

Mikans POV:
"Someone came to visit you miss,should I let them in?" My nurse came in and asked
"O-oh y-yeah s-sure" I replied
I thought it might be komaeda but I quickly shook that thought away why would he have to care about someone like me?? I'm not worth his care he's worth much more then me...

Just like that the door swung open
"Hey tsumiki Chan! I brought you noodles!"
He put them on the table next to me
"So how are you? Are you feeling any better?"

I slightly smiled
"Mhm! U-uhm thank you!"
"No big deal tsumiki-Chan!"
I thought for a bit
"Hey you think...we could go by first name basis? W-we're being a l-lil formal?"
He looked at me a little puzzled but smiled
"Sure! I see you're making progress with that stutter of yours too right tsum- I mean mikan"
"O-oh yeah! I-I just realized...thank you"

"That's all your work mikan don't thank me! Thank your self!"

This is all because of his help though...

"No buts mikan, do you know if the nurses would let me take to on a walk around the garden here?"

I thought
I did get better I don't think I've healed enough though however I didn't want to make nagito upset
"W-we could go ask?"
Happily he stood up and ran to find a nurse
He came back with the nurse that has been taking good care of me
"Miss tsumiki are you feeling ok?? Any pain in your upper or lower body??"
If I'm being honest my arms hurt a lot but I couldn't bare see nagito upset
"I-I'm fine!! I feel no pain at all!"
She lightly smiled
"Ok then I'll go grab a wheelchair for you and you two can go for a walk in the garden"
And like that we were alone once again
"I wonder what the garden looks like...I've heard they have a lot of roses...sunflowers too..."
Sunflowers remind me of happiness the happiness I never had
However for some reason they made me smile
"S-sunflowers?!" I asked excitedly
After which I covered my mouth after I realize how excited I seemed
Nagito let out a laugh
"Seems like someone is excited to see sunflowers" he said while still laughing
"Y-yeah" I quickly replied and laughed lightly along with him

He made me feel some sort of was comforting in some way
I liked this feeling
I liked it more than sunflowers
(Holy shit- thank you for 100 reads-)
(746 words)

Started with a crashOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora