Locked in

385 5 3

Nagito's POV:
I was making my way with mikan to our classroom but the door was locked
"Should we knock?" Mikan asked me nervously
I decide to listen to her and knock hard on the door
"Is anyone there? Its nagito and mikan"
And our teacher quickly unlocked the door dragged us in and locked it again
"Shhh hide there's what we assume is a school shooter in the school we were told to hide until the police gets here" chisa, our teacher let us know
"Ah right my apologies not much space to hide is there uhm you two go into our supply closet at the back be quick" and she went back quickly to her hiding spot while me and mikan hid in the closet
"a-are we g-gonna be ok?" I heard mikan quietly yet nervously ask me
"I'm sorry but I don't know"
She silently started sobbing
"Look we're going to make it out alive I promise you that much"
She was scared
It hurt me to see her like that
What I did next was sudden I didn't know why or how I did it

Mikans pov:
I was sobbing but nagito was there with me he promised we'd make it out alive and I'll believe him
We're friends after all
I suddenly
Felt a warm hand holding my chin and a gentle warm breathing on my face
And right after that I felt a warm pair of soft lips touch mine
Does this mean nagito likes me? Do I like him back? He makes me happy
But what if
What if he only did this because he wanted me to stop crying?
This was my moment though
In this moment it was about me and him no one else
So without hesitation
I kissed him back
And after a few seconds we pulled back
"Hey uhm so...you kissed back what does that make us?"
"Whatever you want it to make us you kissed me first right?"
Although it was dark I could make out the fact he smiled
"You know it's not fancy or romantic but once we get out I'll take you to McDonald's"

"I saw that restaurant a few times on my way to school but never actually went inside or ate there..."

"Welp you're missing out, even better reason to take you there now"
I wanted to go home now
With him
But I still had to wait until this ends

I leaned on his shoulder and closed my eyes  and my self consciousness started to fade

Kokichi's POV:
I was now in the school
They reported my as a school shooter but screw that I had to find the chef
And at that moment I bumped into a teacher
I held my gun at her head
"Ultimate chef class 77-B if your life is important where is he"
"U-uhm I saw him head to the bathroom just before we were locked in didn't see him return"
I smile
"Looks like you live to see another day,run" 
Look like I'm heading to the bathroom
I quickly make my way there before the cops arrive
Just as expected though he's much shorter and fatter than I expected
"Teruteru hanamura?"
"Yes and who are you?"
"The end"
I point the gun at his head and pull the trigger
I take his cellphone out and find my fathers number
-remember kokichi ouma? The 4 year old kid? Yeah that would be me I'm actually 14 and your future child I time travelled in order to kill the person that killed you in my timeline
This of course will mess up my own timeline but as long as the two of you are happy that's good enough for me

And send
There's a small window in the bathroom which I break and jump out of
"Well who do we have here, I've been sent here and paid well to kill you before you kill teruteru"
Who is this...?
But didn't he also kill someone...?
My only option?
Is to run
Run as fast as I can
I climb the windows and make my way to the roof which isn't far from a house so I jump onto that roof and so on until I slip I survive but I see the world flash white


I can't return I'm in my timeline again

I think

That means when I wake up
They're gonna be there right?

(Alright I'm almost done, I can write theyre McDonald's date and then what happened to kokichi or get straight onto what happened to kokichi the choice is yours
Also thank you for almost 900 reads when I started this fanfic in august 2020 I didn't even think I'd get 10 reads but here we are on 891 thank you :))

Started with a crashHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin