Change the World!!! (Part 4)

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Chapter 3.5

My name is Melicia Hurdle. I'm eighteen years old, attending my second year of high school in a small city where nothing exciting happens. Or at least until a few days ago—or I really don't know, maybe it was just yesterday? The days are all mixed up because of something I don't understand. At first, I was confused—anyone would be. But now, I'm interested to learn more about this phenomenon. It excites me to the point where I can't apprehend the things in front of me.

For as long as I can remember—that would be the later stages of kindergarten—I've been friends with this girl who's name is Kogy. We always played together during middle school, too, and we are still friends now in high school. Getting seperated wasn't really an option when there's only one high school in our town, unless she moved away, which she didn't. I think we both were thankful for that; we could still enjoy time together like we used to in middle school. And even if we didn't hang out as much as we did back then, we still have a time of our lives when we're together, and I believe we both think that.

So this one day when I practiced yoga during our lunch break at school. Kogy came barging in through the doors, accompanied by a boy who seemed to not want to be there. After studying his face, I came to a conclusion: this was Ethan Coombe, a student in Kogy's class—class 2C. I didn't know why I knew that name, but I reckon I must've snagged it up from somewhere. If he was friends with Kogy, it was only a question of time before she would mention him.

Ethan Coombe, the guy who was with Kogy, looked to be rather angry at her. He didn't seem to have care in the world. He was probably one of those lonely introverts who only played games during the day.

And I was right.

He was an introvert, I could tell right away. Usually I'd avoid this type of person. Not because I thought they were living a disgusting lifestyle, playing games into the early morning and showering a maximum of one time per week—no, if I thought that, I'd be an awful person. My cute smile, my red bangs and twin-tails—all the courage I'd built up over the last years would be in vain. The truth is that I'm probably no different than this guy, Ethan Coombe. I'm the same scum as him—no, that's not right, I'm probably worse! I'm the lowest of the low, at the bottom of the food chain.

I can't think bad about this person, because he is the same as I used to be.


I was wrong, once again.

Ethan Coombe didn't want to change like me. He was confident being an introvert, and he knew people thought that of him, too. That's why he could be friends with an extrovert like Kogy—because he didn't have a care in the world.

In the eyes of Kogy, and in the eyes of Everleigh—the description of a perfect girl whom I got to befriend—I was probably still the quiet girl. Because what gives? When you're a human like me, when you have the traits I have, you never seem to fit in anywhere.

And—it all changed.

"We're becoming rich!" I screamed out loud.

Chapter 4

I sat beside Everleigh on the sofa in the living room. In front of us, Melicia let out a sigh. It looked like she was overwhelmed with our offer, but had still asked us what we meant in an intriguing tone.

"When you say rich, Miss Everleigh, what amount are we talking about? Could it be that 'rich' for you means billions?" Melicia asked.

Everleigh suddenly changed from happy to irritated. "I don't understand why people think I'm rich. Just because I'm a prodigy, and the fact that I'm rather pretty, doesn't really imply that I would be rich. In fact, that's a clique I would avoid at all costs when creating a manuscript."

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