A Wonderful Week (Part 1)

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The Halloween Party

"Hey, are you evening listening?!" said Madeleine.

"Yes, yes, of course," Avon answered without the slightest empathy.

"So the thing is, we can't be together anymore."

"To be honest, I was expecting you to say something like that."

Madeleine wasn't aware of the observations Avon had made of his and her relationship. She thought that it wasn't that obvious that anything like this never could've worked out.

"YOU WERE EXPECTING ME TO SAY THAT?!" she shouted. The whole café turned their eyes against them.

"You are drawing attention to us, Madeleine, please don't do that, it's kind of embarrassing," Avon said.

"Is it so?."

"Yes, that is in fact true, so if you wouldn't mind, could you please relax for a bit, maybe sound a little bit calmer?" he asked.

"Don't tell me what to do, Avon!"

He sighed and then nodded.

"Well if there wasn't anything else, I better be going, I have the stuff to do you know."

"Wait! I am not done talking to you."

"Oh, I think you are."

Those were his last words before he slammed the door behind him whilst waking out of the café. George was just sitting there, watching them, trying to understand what their conversation was actually about. That is one big downside of liking someone, at any given time they might break your heart. Now, it did certainly not look like Avon's heart was broken, he might've even enjoyed it.

"Hey, you left this!" the waitress held up a piece of paper.

"Yeah, I think that's mine," George said hesitantly.

She had black hair down to her shoulders, eyes in the same colour and she was wearing the café staff uniform which consisted of a black vest over a white shirt and blue trousers. She chuckled, "Take care."


George threw the note into a bin, He hadn't written anything special on it. Just some old shopping list. He looked up into the sky, it was that time of year when the cold came flowing from the Atlantic, the temperature was way below 10 degrees. Halloween was coming up, the storefronts of the high street were all filled with jack o' lanterns and beside them were the occasional scary faces and beheaded monsters. The road around the corner was slippery, ice had formed during the night from yesterday's rainfall. He almost slipped when he traversed it.

He walked through the main entrance into "Sellafield Secondary School." It was packed with students at this time of day, people coming from their lunch breaks to attend the afternoon lessons, teachers arriving as well, and all the janitors being ready to clean up all the mess which was created by us during the break.

"Hi George!" said Thea. "What have you been up to, I didn't see you in the cafeteria."

"Oh you know, I went to a café on High Street instead, the school lunch is rubbish as always."

"And you're picky as always."

"Well, believe what you want, but if you want food poisoning, by all means, go ahead."

"Well you are funny as always, see you at the lesson, I believe it's on the third floor."

"See you," he said and blushed lightly.

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