Black is in the Beginning (Part 4)

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You know when they say that you've reached your limit. "Relax now" and "don't take it so seriously." Those are words I got to hear from different people over the next week, the week before the long-awaited autumn break. Long-awaited I say, but in reality, I hadn't been focused on school at all the last couple of weeks. I was absent for a while, then I had other stuff to deal with, so to say.

Maybe I had to relax after all?

Whilst the autumn break wasn't exactly long-awaited my trip to Tropice was a different story. It would be nice going abroad for the first time in my life. I hadn't taken a plane before, either, so it was bound to be interesting.

First and foremost though, I had to come over the hurdle that was the student council president—Everleigh Gray.

Or I say hurdle, but in reality (or at least I hoped) she was a caring person. She also got a bit embarrassed when I asked her about if she liked her staff. But saying "staff" to the people working under her in the council, maybe it was a bit vulgar? I was one of the so-called "staff" after all.

After last class had ended on Thursday, I set off to the council's office to attend the final meeting before the autumn break. On the agenda today—to plan and fix the final touches on the upcoming Autumn Ceremony tomorrow. As a member of the council, I was tasked with the mission to control the lighting on stage. Unlike some others, I was fortunate to not have to enter the stage and speak in front of the whole school.

"Arriving late?" I asked Everleigh who appeared behind me walking at a much faster pace than I. If she didn't slow down she would end up overtaking me.

"I never arrive late," she murmured and overtook me.

I started to match her pace.

"So why then are you walking much faster than the normal walking-speed?"

"Walking at a faster pace gives me more time to focus on more important things, like studying and planning for the autumn ceremony," she said bluntly.

"But I've never seen you walking at this speed before. I'm genuinely curious."

"Your curiosity will remain then; there's no point in telling a low-life like you."

Why did she always have to be like this? Stubborn, verbally abusing me. It didn't seem like she hated me, though... I guess I've got something going. As we arrived at the council's office I couldn't hold myself from laughter. For the first time ever, Everleigh wasn't the first person on site. A few students were sitting at a circular table discussing non student council-related things. One of the girls noted Everleigh's late arrival and asked under which circumstance it had happened. It wasn't like she was angry, instead she was like me—she couldn't hold herself from laughing. The always so proud and almighty Everleigh had for once arrived late, and was therefore scolded in a rather appropriate and funny way. She sat down on the chair she always sat on when we had our meetings. She began by greeting all of us; extremely formal greetings, mind you. As I mentioned earlier, I was designated to control the lighting and sound effects backstage, and as expected, Everleigh would be the compere. I believed, though, that she wasn't quite fit for the job. My impression of her was stubborn and selfish, not someone who could interact with others easily. But perhaps I was wrong?

When the meeting had ended, and the rest of the council members had left the meeting room, I began speaking to Everleigh.

"Are you scared of being the compere?"

"Me? No. You though, are you able to handle the pressure of controlling the lights?"

"What do you take me for? Someone who can't even handle a mere computer controlling lights and music? To be honest, I'm a bit offended."

"Good, my insult worked then."


"Also, as the president of this council, I have another favour to ask you—would you come with me and set up some things for tomorrow? I think there was some PC that needed to be updated, or something, and because you say you can handle computers so well, can you lend me a hand? Wait, let me rephrase—you have to lend me a hand, OK?"

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