Everyone's John

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 Chapter 1 - Young John

Yesterday, after work, I sat down as usual at the local coffee shop. After zipping on my latte for some time an old man approached me. I didn't know this man nor had I ever seen him at the shop, but in some way, he seemed familiar. He sat down next to me and began talking.

"Hello John," the old man said.

"Good evening," said John with a questioning tone.

"What I'm now going to tell you will probably blow your mind."

"Go ahead."

"You see, I'm from the past; but also from the future."

"And I'm from Antarctica."

"I'm actually being serious right now, and you will have to believe me."

"Or else?"

"In a few years, every human you've ever touched will die, including you"

The man now spoke with a louder tone than before, you could really tell that he wasn't happy with my questioning. After his last words, silence aired in the shop. The only thing you could hear was a couple making out in a corner and the barista's coffee machine making some overpriced hot drink. We studied each other and it almost seemed that our eyes got locked on each other's faces. He looked like me, however much older. Freaking out in this position would not be any good; I told myself. After a couple of minutes he started to speak again:

"Let's walk outside for a bit," the man who looked like me said.

Without any hesitation, I followed him out of the coffee shop.

The street was packed with cars trying to make their way home after a day at work. The pavement was full of parents pushing their strollers through the massive crowd. You could tell that it was rush hour.

"See this coin; can you tell me what's written on it?"

The coin was probably once made out of gold, but the colour had rapidly dissolved throughout years of use.

"It says 2014."

"Yes it does, this coin is sort of magical, it can tell me which year I'm in."

"Of course," I said with a sarcastic voice.

Ignoring my joke the man continued.

"It seems weird for me to ask people which year I'm in when I travel, they almost always freak out, that is why I made this coin, so I never would need to ask that question again."

"Smart," I said, but this time with an even more sarcastic voice.

"Since you won't believe me I will take you with me for a ride through time, want to come with me?"

I wanted to see what the man actually was on about, if he lied or if he was crazy, so I answered:


"Let's go then!"

Chapter 2 - Old John

It would be so fun to tell younger me about everything. But at the same time, sad. If he failed his mission, a lot of people would die, and I, well I would be deleted from existence.

I looked around and couldn't find younger me anywhere. So I shouted:

"Where are you?!"

"I am right here," younger me said.

"Now, why are you hiding?"

"You are bloody crazy," he shouted.

"Welcome to the year 2044, we are in the future now."

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