The last step in this module was making things disappear, and again, using intent, it proved quite easy. It wasn't all plain sailing though – to retrieve something you've made disappear, you have to recall its specific frequency-signature, otherwise it's gone for good. I lost a few cups and the entire balcony furniture-set because of this, and Ember had to manifest them anew. Not a big problem, she said, since that's how she'd furnished her apartment in the first place. I told her I'd done pretty much the same in my apartment back on Earth... in a way... I'd picked up all my furniture from the street.

I asked her what happened to the objects I'd lost – did they go somewhere else, or did they just stop existing. She admitted she had no idea. I imagined then some random guy chilling out and watching TV in another dimension, when suddenly a pile of cups, chairs and a table come crashing into his lap out of nowhere. I smiled at that thought too.

After a while, Ember said I was a natural and we should move on to the next module. I said we should take another break, and anyway she still had one of my mistakes to correct.

"Which one?" she asked.

I made the straps of her dress disappear, and the dress slipped to the floor. "That one!" I said.

She didn't believe me when I said I couldn't retrieve the straps... but she did agree to take a 'short' break.


Application... had three aspects to it, and the first involved a lot of teleporting between lower and higher planes within the fourth and fifth dimensions. The point was to expand the range of my 'frequency-memory-bank', by giving me lots of new reference points to project to. Ember would teleport us to an unknown location, I'd focus on the frequency of the place, then we'd teleport to another location, then I would try to get us back to the previous, and so on.

Moving around within the fourth dimension, utilizing my own powers of intention (not riding piggy-back on Ember's), was easy enough because I was used to it – it's where I'd most often visited in previous astral projections, before the coma. Doing the same in the fifth dimension took a little extra work. Understandable, Ember told me, because although my normal, personal frequency resonated naturally with the fourth dimension, I couldn't expect to resonate with the frequency of a higher dimension if I'd not yet experienced it – at least not without help from a higher source. Hence this whirlwind tourist-trip.

After about an hour of zapping here, there and everywhere, my head started getting muffy and we took another break, on a fifth-dimensional hill-top overlooking a breathtakingly picturesque valley. The landscape was a festival of vivid colour. Heather, wild flowers, grass and tree foliage all glowed with a luminosity unlike anything I'd ever seen, and stretched as far as the eye could see. Scores of thin streams, like shiny silk threads, wove their way towards some distant sea beyond the horizon, glistening with the reflected light of a lemon-yellow sky. There was no sun – you got the idea that the landscape itself was the primary light source. But there was a moon, that hung – silent, majestic and impossibly close – low on the horizon like a translucent apparition.

I'm afraid the lush, green valleys of Cumbria and the Cotswolds are no longer going to impress me, I thought to myself. I've been spoiled on the fifth dimension, and the third just ain't gonna cut it anymore.

I lay back a few minutes, letting the zingy lemon of the sky clear the muffiness out my head, while Ember gave me a short lesson in astral geography. She explained briefly that each major dimensional realm is itself divided up into layers of sub-dimensions, just like the infinite tints between the primary colours of the colour-spectrum. The only difference being that the primary realms of the dimensional-spectrum are separated by the layers known as the Void (this corresponded with the Agency's map). She also explained, again briefly, that each realm not only ascends from lower to higher frequencies, but extends laterally too, as parallel worlds created by the ever-present influence of emotional-polarities – bliss and fear, love and hate, good and evil, etc. These poles balance each other in force and intensity, so, contrary to belief, she told me, the most hellish of hells are not to be found on the lowest dimensions, but on the highest dimensions, along with the most heavenly of heavens.

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