Chapter 26 | Who has the Right to Lay Judgement?

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"Karma bites back twice as hard."

Sakura's party stands a little distance away from Naofumi's, and the five heroes stood before the throne. The Queen sits on one of the thrones, the other empty, and Melty standing vigilantly beside her mother's throne. For a moment, as Sakura was tucking her good hand inside her pockets, her eyes locked with a familiar set of metallic blue just one body away from her. Itsuki was in between the two, not noticing the shared glance. He sends her a small smile, then directed his eyes down to her sling. She simply shook her head lightly to signal him that she was alright and for him not to worry about her.

"I thank you for coming, Five Cardinal Heroes." The Queen smiled warmly at the five of them, making sure that all of the heroes receive her warm greeting.

"Where's Myne?" Motoyasu asks, noticing that there were only two membes of the royal family by the throne.

"I don't see the King either." Itsuki adds in.

"Bring them in." The Queen sighs.

The large double doors behind them were opened by the guards, revealing the two said people that Motoyasu and Itsuki were looking for. They were handcuffed, and guards were behind them to suppress any movement.

Sakura lets out a small smirk when she locked eyes with Myne, clearly letting her know that this is the time that she had been patiently waiting for. It disgusted the First Princess, to have such a lowly scoundrel like her looking so satisfied at her current state. There was nothing more that Myne wanted than to strangle the girl right then and there.

Right in front of everyone. She seems to not care about face and reputation when up against Sakura.

"Myne!" Motoyasu calls her surprisingly, eyes showing disbelief.

"Motoyasu-sama!" Myne moved on from her stare down with the Dagger Hero and began pleading for help from the Spear Hero. As she tried to run towards him, the guards behind her kept her on her place. They didn't allow her nor the King to reach anyone.

Most especially, the heroes that she harassed.

"Even the king's chained up?" Ren asks under his breath, obviously just as confused. None of them, except for Sakura and Naofumi, were informed of what the said urgent meeting is about. They were bound to be confused at some point.

However, one look at the girl beside him and Ren was beginning to piece it all together. "Sakura..."

"Hmm?" The pastel-eyed girl turns to him, feigning innocence. She didn't even try hiding it.

The situation doesn't really concern him personally, so he didn't have anything against either parties. All he wishes for is justice within the kingdom, something that he should have long fought for since they got here. Finding out that Sakura has something to do with the case today, he was sure that this is justice being brought upon criminals.

Sakura wouldn't go as far as creating fake accusations to get back at Myne. He knows that. The trial of her against the First Princess let him know that Sakura gets revenge legally.

"It is as you see. They are criminals." The Queen said, now gaining everyone's attention once again. Sakura glances to her right for a short while and found her party looking more relieved than confused. Haru looks at her and gave her a sly thumbs up, telling her that he's beginning to catch up on what will happen soon.

Unfortunately for the two younger members, they were still struggling to comprehend what was happening. Just seeing Myne in handcuffs let them know that it is something good, though.

"Now, let us begin the trial of the foolish king consort and the first princess!"

"Mama! you're being to cruel!" Myne whines.

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