Chapter 20 | Unsaid

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"My body keeps fighting. Does that mean that this life is still worth living?"

"Do you think Sakura-sama's alright?"

Haru and Freya walked side by side, taking their time as they retreated to one of the capital's inns. Ahead of them, Nami and Ria were goofing around with each other and had no worries plastered on their faces. Unlike the two older party members.

Freya glances to her left, finding Haru's worried expression for their leader. Out of everyone, she could consider him as the one who wants to understand Sakura the most. Nothing romantic, but it was rather a trait that he always possessed since he was young.

To understand other people.

Because Sakura is a complex person to read, he wants to know her better and understand her actions. He wants to see what lies beneath her tough shell that made her who she is as of today. Maybe it was because he can see her lifeless eyes every single day without fail that he wanted to know their leader more. To help her in whatever it is she is facing all on her own.

"We never know what goes through her mind, Haru." Freya sighed. "But, I do know that she will make it out just fine. No matter the situation she was put under."

"I guess that's true, but..." Haru glanced up from the ground to check if Ria and Nami were out of ears reach. He slowed his footsteps a little to gain more distance and gestured for Freya to do the same. Fortunately, she didn't question him any further and did as he requested her to do. "Earlier when the shrine collapsed on us, Nami wasn't able to complete the shield he created for us, right?"

"He didn't?"

"He didn't," Haru nodded. "It was just a quick moment, but I think I saw Sakura-sama soothing her left arm before they left for Naofumi-sama."

Freya's eyes began to widen in realization as she listened to Haru. The reason why he was worried wasn't only because of her being alone, but because of the possible injury that she may have upon the impact of the explosion. She whips her head in front of her to see Nami still laughing along with Ria without a care.

Sakura didn't tell him that the shield wasn't complete.

She acted as if she was perfectly fine earlier when they were talking, and she never showed any signs of pain in her face. Was it because she didn't want them to worry for her? Or maybe because she didn't want Nami to be disappointed of himself once again?

"Tsk, and she still left to fight whoever has the replica of the Cardinal weapons." She scowled. "The other heroes are there, too, but we all know that none of them are in the best of terms with another."

"I just hope that they'll find a way through it. Knowing our leader, she might as well not speak up about her injury at all."

"That does sound like her."


She didn't know what kind of crime she was accused of in her past life, but Sakura knew that it must have been a pretty bad one.

Upon their arrival, they explained what happened to them before they came to Motoyasu and Naofumi's aid. Sakura didn't know what went wrong from there, but before she knew it, the four heroes are now bickering amongst each other once again. Motoyasu's party kept themselves out of the argument, while Naofumi's completely had his back.

It appears that both princesses of Melromarc are here. Sakura would have preferred if it was just Myne, just so she could use her as a human shield and that Melty will be out of harm's way.

"Y-yeah, it's your fault!" Motoyasu began to blame Ren and Itsuki after Naofumi exposed their reckless decisions as the chosen heroes of Melromarc.

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