Chapter 27: Back to the Robotics Lab

Start from the beginning

The next morning, I awoke and bounded out of bed. Why, you ask? Well, since I don't have music school today, that means I can hang out with my buddies today in the Nerd Lab!!!

I had on my favorite T-shirt, a gray short sleeve with red accents on the front and dark yellow letters spelling out the words "Bazinga!" On the front (A/N: This is actually true: the tee was one of my gifts from my parents for my birthday! I love it so much! And thumbs up if know where this quote comes from!) and shorts and my pink Converse shoes.

I made my ways downstairs, where my mom was slurping her usual black coffee.

"Hey, ma!" I said and hugged her.

"Hey! How'd you sleep, Angel?" She asked me. I wolfed down my waffle in a matter of minutes.

"Pretty well!" I said through a mouthful of waffles.

Well, at least hurry up before you get to school late!" She smirks at me.

"Yea, sis! Get to school already!" Kagomi bounces down the stairs, and to my surprise, wearing the exact same outfit like me: denim shorts, Yellow Converse shoes, and a "Bazinga" tee, but hers is purple with bold green writing.

"Unbelievable!" I said and face-planed my face.

"What is?" She asked.

"YOU! You're unbelievable! Wearing the exact same outfit as me!!!" I shook my head, slightly outraged.

"What? What's wrong with dressing up like my little sister?" She asked, batting her eyelashes innocently.

"You are too unpredictable!" I laughed. I threw my plate in the sink and grabbed my backpack and ran out the door.

"Have a good day, honey!" I heard my mom call out to me.

"Oh I will mom!" I thought in my head. "I will have a good day! Now that Tadashi's back!" And smiled as I made my way to the cafe.
Hiro POV

I woke up to Tadashi ruffling my hair.

"Morning, bonehead!" He smiled at me.

"Stop it! You'll mess it up!" I swatted his hand away tiredly, and yawned.

"It's messy just the way it is already!" He smiled at me.

"So dude, you ready to face the music today?" He asked. I didn't know what he meant, until I remembered that we had to tell the truth to the gang that Tadashi's alive.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I shrugged.

"Don't worry. you've got me as back up. As well as Skylar!!!" And started to tease me by raising an eyebrow slyly at me.

"Dude! Not you too!" I rolled my eyes and face-planed myself.

"Just admit it: you like her!" She nudged me. And gets up to lock the door.

"No way! And you can't make me!" I stuck out my tongue at him.

"Oh really?" He asked slyly and suddenly, he pinned down my arms and legs and was hovering over me, without a shirt (A/N: Starts FANGIRLING!!!) and starts tickling me. I laugh like crazy and sputter out,

"St-sto-stop it! You're gonna kill me!" I laugh.

"Admit that you like Skylar and I'll stop!" He teased. And suddenly were on the ground, and my shirt was off as well.

"N-no-no way, dude! You can't make me!" I knew he wouldn't stop until I confessed, and I was about to since I couldn't take it anymore, until I heard a voice scream out,

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