23| Swiss roll

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'Crying doesn't indicate that you are weak.

Since birth,

it has always been a sign to show that you are alive'

- Charlotte Bronte.



Placing a new box of tissues on the table, I lean over and tear the seal off scrunching it in my hand as I settle myself back on my feet.

My father's footsteps sound against the laminate flooring as he enters the room.

I shuffle away from the table; the plastic seal sticks on my palms as sweat collates in them. He said we had guests coming over.

Small plates of traditional confectionary sit dotted on the table. Tempting but out of question

"Go and get another box from the basement"

Thankfully he keeps his back to me. His statement casts confusion on my face.

  How many people are coming then?

There must be a few for another box of tissues to be ne-

"Köpek misin? Neden bakıyorsun? (Are you a dog? Why are you staring?)"

I jump, stumbling backwards as he turns towards me. A quick apology jumps with me. Not waiting till he fully turns, I speed out of the room towards the basement door.

My heart thuds against my chest in unease yet it begins to settle as I descend the stairs, his foot steps unheard behind me.

Flicking the light on, a shiver trails through my body. The basement lacked everything but a cold wind. And like every other 16-year-old, I can only be scared of it.

A thump echoes from above the stairs.

My hands pause their movement. My breathing quietens as I await any further sounds. 

  The door

Stepping away from the shelf, I quickly cross over and pace up the staircase. Thoughts of the worse trample over my brain and skip over the foundations of a wall.

Reaching the door, I rest a cold hand against the door and push.

It's locked.

From the outside.


  Oh no no

Using both hands I push at the door once more only for it to barely shudder.

A throb builds in my chest.


My voice trembles. The awaited reply never comes.

There's no lock from the inside.

He locked me in the basement.

A shudder weakens my knees, bringing me down to the ground. Cold air blankets my shoulders, the thin long sleeves of the shirt do nothing to fight it. My stomach tightens at the thought of what was down here other than tissue boxes and household supplies.

My lips pull into my teeth as I lower myself onto my knees, my hands tangle in the long strands of hair tugging down with myself. My breaths quicken, my chest now burning with panic. My eyes tingle as water threatens to fall.

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