Start from the beginning

  With only a partially graceful movement and faint reminiscence, you allowed the hooks to catch you and permitted yourself to bob up and down the aisles of houses with the freckled man -who soon slowed himself down a little to catch up to your side, "I think I saw one to our northwest," Marco spoke just loud enough for you to hear him as you both swung downwards and into the cover of the buildings, "Black hair, maybe seven to nine-metres tall."

  "How do you want to go about this?"

  "Do you want to try what we did on that titan before?" he asked, before then clarifying more, "Where I distract him while you get his ankles, and then you distract him while I go for the nape?"

  You gave him a solidifying, determined nod, "They say if it's not broken, don't fix it."

  Closely mirroring your look with his own kinder take, he sped ahead to set the plan in motion -flinging himself over a house and venturing to your left. Finding yourself on an upwards swing, you landed yourself on a rooftop and ran alongside its length to near Marco in what you hoped was not an attention-grabbing fashion; the man had just reached the titan when your sights fell on him, the dark head of hair sinking his one hook into the titan's shoulder as he hacked away at its arm's muscles, 'There, now I can make my move!'

  Jumping off of the building and almost landing in the alleyway that the titan was in, you started to angle yourself in such a way that would allow for you to take a cut on the behemoth's heels, 'I didn't cut deep enough last time, so I should try to cut deeper now -even if this titan is smaller!'

  Attempting to do as you planned, you swung yourself above the ground nearly in a horizontal line; your handles pushed against your palms as you forced the edges to go through the heatened flesh, spitting a little when a scouringly hot splash of blood hit to your face and past your lips, 'Shit, that's fucking disgusting!'

  Swirling around, you heard a giant thud play out -telling you that you had cut deep enough to render the titan unable to properly walk; reaching the apex of your swing upwards, for a brief moment you rested in the air -then allowing gravity to do the rest of the work as your eyes fell upon your efforts, confirming with satisfaction that you had sufficiently cut both heels to the point where the creature fell over. With its remaining arm, it grinned brightly as it reached out to you while your feet planted on a rooftop with a moment's pant -the titan ever eager for a meal as its grubby fingers wriggled and twitched in its try.

  Matter of fact, the beast nearly fell over as it grasped for you, the only thing that had stopped it being the fact that Marco swung in at that exact moment to take a hit at the neck. The slice was successful in bringing and keeping the monster down, given as it no longer made any attempts to get back up, and its flesh slowly morphed from a tangible being, to a gaseous state, 'Once again, I feel like this is way too easy for a mere cadet like myself -but, seeing as it greatly benefits me, I shouldn't complain.' you reasoned to yourself warily, 'In fact, I should try to brush it aside for now, it'll only distract me.'

  "Well, that's one down; good job there, we did good." Marco breathed as he grounded next to you on terracotta tiles, a small dot of sweat forming on his forehead that you were sure you replicated, "Do you want to head more towards the breach? The rest of our group might be there."

  "That's fine by me," you gave as you gestured your hand out for him to follow, responding as you both jogged on the buildings, "We're supposed to head over there anyways."


  Reaching the end of the structure, the both of you then switched to your gear -leaping off of something solid and instead opting to dance on nothing but air; for the next few minutes, the two of you silently weaved above and below the housing that surrounded you, ever so alert for titans that might somehow be creeping up on you both, 'Where are they? They really didn't go AWOL, did they? What would they gain from that, weren't they worried for Eren? It would be hypocritical if they just abandoned everyone else, especially when the goal is to protect him.'

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