6 - Study Date (Louis)

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Hello my gorgeous readers! Okay so here is my monday update. Im sorry that its late and Im sorry that its not one of the better imagines that I've written :/  I dont know why but this one just doesnt seem as good...

But anyhoo! Here it is and enjoy!! xo


#Imagine --- Its the end of the school year and you are studying for exams. You have been hard at work for the last couple days and haven't hung out with any of your friends or your boyfriend Louis. Every time each of them have called you've always ignored it to focus on your studies. 

But as you sit on your couch in your flat, you sigh in frustration because for the life of you you just cant seem to get these history questions right. 

Then, a knock on your door pulls you out of your brooding. You just about get up to answer it when you hear the sweet voice of the boy you've been missing. Louis must have used his spare key to get in. 

As he walks into your living room he smirks as he sees all of your books and papers strewn about. 

"I know i know," You moan. "The place is a mess. And its going to stay that way because I cant get these stupid ancient civilization questions!" You say as you toss your papers on the coffee table. 

You feel a hand on your back and you look up to see Louis sitting down across from you on the couch. "C'mon babe, you can do it." He says reassuringly. "You're the one who lectured me on the difference between Neanderthals and Natives wen we watch the discovery channel remember?" 

You chuckle. You had gone on a rant because he got the two mixed up. "Okay," You say. Turning to face him, sitting crossed legged on the couch. "Lets do it." 

Louis picks up the paper you had just thrown on the table. "Okay, Im gonna ask you a question and if you get it right, you get a kiss. But if its wrong, no kiss." He smiles at you. 

"Hey! No fair." You pout. Louis just smiles and looks down at the sheet. 

"Okay, where can every single person's roots be traced back to?"

You think for a moment. "Africa. Every single human being derived from one man and one woman who long ago lived in Africa." 

"And that is right." You smile at him as you lean forward. He connects his lips with your. Wow, you hadn't realized how much you had missed him. His lips were soft against yours and you try to deepen the kiss but Louis pulls away. 

You make a noise of protest but he just tuts. "Gotta focus [Y/N]. Once you finish these questions you're done, for the night." He winks at you when he says the last part and you blush. 

"Fine." You say reluctantly. 

"How many years ago did the last ice age occur?" 

"Uhm," You pause and think. Shit! This wasn't one you knew well. "10 000 years ago." You say and lean forward. 

"Uhn uhn." Louis says. "Try again."

"20 000 years." You answer. 

"Correct," He says and closes the space between you. He meets his lips with yours as he sets aside the papers and pulls you into his lap. His strong hand comes up to cup your cheek as your tongues dance together. 

You pull away only long enough to ask, "Does that mean I'm done?" 

"That you are babe." Louis says before pushing you back onto the couch and crawling on top of you still kissing you. "You are now mine for the rest of the night." 

He kisses you again and tangles his hands in your hair as you sling yours around his neck pulling him impossibly closer.

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