Chapter Eleven

Beginne am Anfang

It did. Edward had to rush back to the hotel and pack in a flurry of clothes and craziness to catch his flight. Our goodbye was hasty, but I wouldn't have traded our time together for anything else in the world.

Within a couple of weeks of Edward's departure, I sent the first draft of the screenplay to Edward after I had Jasper take a look, checking for any major, blaring grammatical errors. Edward was thoroughly impressed with my work and attention to detail. There were a few things we needed to change, but with my work on the script, plans could move forward, and we could begin hiring the creative staff for the film. With that, Edward began prattling information about flights and me coming down to Los Angeles to help with that aspect of the film.

I put a stop to that because I had to make arrangements for Seth. I couldn't exactly just up and leave. As much as I wanted to ... I had to talk to Emmett and Rosalie. Without batting an eye, they'd agreed to watch over Seth, but I didn't want to overstep my bounds. I also had to see if Jasper could come with me.

Not as a chaperone, but as my agent. I still don't know the ins and outs of the entertainment industry. I didn't want to be perceived as ignorant or ridiculed for my lack of knowledge.

I refused to add to the growing negative column in Alice's eyes.

I knew I wasn't good enough for her brother. I shouldn't have accepted his sweet question of being my boyfriend. I should have just walked away, but I wanted something for me. Edward made me feel beautiful and not like I was 'used goods' as Jacob and Billy called me.

Once I got Seth squared away with Emmett and Rose, and Jasper's commitment to fly down with me, I called Edward back. He said that he'd handle the flights and accommodations. I argued with him, but he insisted. When I woke up the next morning, I had an email from Edward with flight information and a confirmation for the hotel.

However, the hotel only had one room reserved.

I wasn't going to share a room or a bed with Jasper. Especially, if he would be spending time with Edward's sister ... talk about awkward.

I dialed Edward, tapping my fingers anxiously on my desk. What was he thinking?

"Cullen," he answered.

"I got your email, Cullen," I snorted. "One hotel room. I'm not staying with Jasper."

"I don't expect you to, gorgeous," Edward laughed. "I was hoping, that is if it's okay with you ... perhaps, you could stay with me?" I blinked and clearly waited too long to respond. "Don't worry about it, Bella. I'll book you a room at the hotel. I'll work my magic."

"No, I would love to stay with you," I rambled out, interrupting him.

"I'll set up a guest room for you," he breathed. "I have a lovely view of the Pacific Coast and the guest room looks over the beach. The sunsets are exquisite. This trip will take longer because of the types of plans we need to make. Staying in a hotel, for any amount of time, is not comfortable. So, I ..."

"I appreciate it, Edward," I breathed. "I agree with that assessment about hotels. You never know who or what's been in there. At home, I know that my sheets are clean because I was the one who bleached them."

"Exactly," he laughed. "I can't wait to see you, gorgeous. The phone conversations and occasional Zoom call are awesome, but it's not the same as holding you."

"Sweet talker," I giggled.

"I'm trying to woo you, Bella," he emphasized. "Are you wooed?"

"Yes, Edward," I deadpanned.

"I don't believe you," he snickered. "I may have to step up my game. What's your favorite color?"

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