First show // Chapter 33

Start from the beginning

Lou : Why do you put the H at the end of the sentence we know it's you Haz


Athena: Stfu

Athena: I wanted to sleep

Lou : You're a celebrity get used to it

Haz: The greatest celebrity!! - H xxx

Lou : Bro why did you have to say that I'm a celebrity as well smh

Haz: What does 'smh' mean? - H xxx

Athena: I'm out - A xxx

Athena: No bye that looked like some pretty little liars shit I'm out fr now bye

I laughed out loud and closed my phone, playfully rolling my eyes in the process and getting up from my bed to make myself look a bit more awake. I brushed my teeth, ate some breakfast, and did some make up.

I couldn't believe that I was going to give my first performance, I was going to be in front of hundreds of people, singing, doing what I loved most in the world.

In some way, I felt bad about getting mad at Niall for him breaking my heart. He gave me a career, he made my name known to the world, and I just cried and screamed just because he didn't want anything romantic to do with me. I felt ungrateful, as if whatever he did was never going to be enough for me.

So I decided that I was going to talk to him, I was gonna go up to his room and let him know that I was very grateful. So I put on a floral dress, smoothing it down with my palms, and began walking towards his room, in hopes that I would get to see him again. And in hopes that my heart wouldn't break and my knees wouldn't buckle at his sight.

I softly knocked on the door with shaky hands and weak knees.

"Who's that?" A voice asked from the other side of the door

"It's me," I cleared my throat "Ath"

The door immediately opened at the mention of my name, but my eyes didn't meet a pair of blue ones, instead, they met a pair of black eyes.

"Ethan, what are you doing in Niall's room?" I asked

"Uh, we're roommates" He scratched the back of his neck

If I'm being honest, meeting the guy your sister likes isn't quite comfortable, it's awkward since you both know about each other but never properly met.

"So..." I dragged the 'o' "Is Niall there?"

"Uh yeah he's taking a shower but-"

Ethan's words were interrupted by someone else talking

"Who's there, Ethan?" Niall asked

Unexpectedly, my knees buckled up at the sight of Niall Horan, with a towel hanging loosely around his waist, and another towel around his neck. Luckily, I managed to hide my knees buckling and pretending as if I was scratching my knee.

"Close your mouth" Ethan whispered

I looked at him with wide eyes and closed my mouth once I realized I looked as if my jaw had fallen to the floor.

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