Her Heartbreak // Chapter 32

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(A/N: I highly recommend to listen to 'Let You Go' by Joshua Bassett during this chapter okay prepare yourselves to cry lmao bye)

~ Their eyes

Athena needed to let it all go.

She needed every single memory to disappear from her mind, because they were doing nothing but tearing her apart.

Athena needed to let go of everything, of the way his lips tasted, of the way his arms fitted perfectly around her waist, the way he pulled her in, his sweet words, his sweet pet names, everything.

But Athena knew that was impossible.

She was never going to forget him.

She was never going to forget his blue eyes, his contagious laugh, his smile, his hugs, every single detail that belonged to Niall was going to stay in Athena's mind until the day she died.

No actually scratch that, because Athena was sure that in the moment her soul left the Earth, in the moment she would become another thing, another person, she would still look for him everywhere.

Because that was their problem.

Both of them were everywhere they went.

Everything reminded Athena of Niall, and everything reminded Niall of Athena.

It was an endless circle that was never going to end. Because they wouldn't let it. They loved each other too much to put a period to their story. Their book wasn't long enough for it to end, not yet at least.

They loved each other too much to pretend they didn't at all, and that brought consequences. Consequences neither of them were prepared to confront.

Athena felt like an ungrateful bitch, her career was taking off, her fan base was growing more and more within every second that went by, but she still didn't have what she wanted.

Which was him.

Everyone loved Athena, it was impossible to not love the sweet girl. But everyone wasn't him.

Everyone wasn't that blue eyed man that laughed at absolutely everything, everyone wasn't the person who made Athena feel safe, everyone wasn't Athena's home.

Athena hated the fact that she couldn't hate Niall.

Not even a little bit.

Athena wanted nothing more than for Niall to be happy. She wanted him to be able to hold someone's hand without the fear of being judged, she wanted him to kiss someone without having to hide. The only thing Athena wanted Niall to be, was happy. And if Niall didn't find that happiness in her, then she was willing to let everything go. She loved him so much that she had to let him go.

The only thing Athena wished for, was that Niall had thought this through before she went and fell in love with him. But it was already late for that, because she had already fallen, and there was nobody to catch her.

Heartbreak, sadness, sorrow, and misery weren't the only things Athena was feeling.

She was scared.

She was scared that she was never going to get over him because of the immense impact he created in her life.

She was scared that she was gonna turn forty, marry someone else, and still look for Niall's traits in that person.

Athena didn't sleep for two days. The only things she did was eat, practice for upcoming shows, and sing.

But Athena came down to one conclusion:

Sometimes we dedicate insomnia to people who have already gone to sleep.

So she was gonna pretend to move on, she was gonna cover her pain with a bright smile, pretending that she was okay.

Because pretending that she was fine was easier than being rejected.

Athena made a deal with herself, she would continue to love Niall in silence; because that way she wouldn't need to face rejection.

She was gonna continue loving him like it was the last time she would ever get to see him. She wouldn't be able to hold his hand, or hug him, she would have to swallow that lump in her throat whenever his girlfriend was around. But oh dear, she was gonna love him like she never did with others.

So maybe that's why Athena was currently on top of the stage, singing as if nothing went wrong.

"Okay that's it for today! Remember to rest your voice!" The stage manager commanded once rehearsal ended

Immediately, Bailey ran across the stadium towards her best friend, wanting nothing more than to hug her and remind her that everything was gonna be okay.

"Ath, hey" Bailey breathed out "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine" Athena smiled

"No Ath like seriously, how are you doing? You know you can trust me, right?"

"Bai, I promise I'm alright, it's not like I was in love with him or anything" Athena shrugged and lightly laughed, finding it very hard to say those words that were nothing but lies.

"You don't have to lie to me, you know? I'm your best friend" Bailey reassured

"I'm okay!" Athena snapped. She didn't mean to, but she was having a really hard time bottling up her emotions, and it was a bit too much for her.

"Oh" Bailey muttered

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to snap like that" She sincerely apologized

"I get it, it's fine"

But Athena knew it wasn't fine.

"I'm sorry, I really am. It's been hard, you know? I feel as if nothing ever happened, like it was all a lie" Athena whispered

"No one can say you didn't try Ath, but remember that if it's meant to be then it will be. If the universe wants you both to be together, then you will find a way to the other, one way or another."

And Bailey was completely right, maybe one day they would meet again, one day when Athena wasn't so broken and Niall knew exactly what he wanted, one day in which they were both persons, and not products. Maybe one day they would both be for each other and it wouldn't be that hard to love.

But that day wasn't today. Athena's heart was way too broken, and Niall could cut himself by trying to hold it.

But they were sure that that day would eventually come, because they would both wait for each other, no matter how long it took, and how old they would become. They would wait for each other as long as it was needed if it meant them being together.



Anyways I really hope you enjoyed this chapter bc im very very proud of it.

I hope you are having a great day/night/afternoon/evening

I love you very very much, remember to drink and eat something

Question of the day: If you could ask any of the characters whatever, what would you ask and who?

Till the next update!

Lots of love,

S xxx

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