Oh no // Chapter 14

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~ Athena's eyes

Yesterday night was absoutely crazy, in a good way, of course. It was one of the best nights of my life. I still can't believe Niall and I kissed, it was the best kiss of my life.

After I invited Niall inside, we decided to watch a movie. We settled for High School Musical since it is a movie we both like. We both sung along to the whole movie and even got up and danced a bit. He asked me if he could stay the night since it was already really late, of course, I agreed. Anna wasn't home, since she was having a sleepover in one of her friends house. I asked Niall if he wanted to sleep in Ann's room, but somehow, we ended up both in my bed. We cuddled, he ran his fingers through my hair, while I played with his other hand.

It was definetly a night.

Today I woke up somehow early, I have a meeting at the studio to decide which one of my songs will be next recorded. My team decided to record a bunch on songs first, to then release them all in a short period of time. Richard told me that we would release Another Love first, then Naked, and that we need another up beat song to be the third single. I was beyond excited.

When I woke up i felt a warm breath on my neck, my legs were tangled with Niall's, and his two arms were hugging my waist softly. He wasn't lying when he said he liked being the big spoon. I tried getting out of bed as softly as I could, trying to not wake up Niall. But I failed. His arms were now tighter aroung my waist and he left a little kiss on the crook of my neck.

"Don't leave" He whispered.

"I've got to, I have a meeting at the studio, and if I wake up any later I will be late" I whispered back

"Don't go, it's a rainy day, let's just cuddle all day" His eyes were still closed and his morning voice was making my stomach do flips



"I'll make us breakfast"

He groaned and turned his body to the other side of the bed. Soon enough soft snores escaped his mouth, allowing me to get up and make breakfast.

Before heading to the kitchen I went over to the bathroon and did my usual stuff. Brushing my teeth, combing my hair, washing my face, and all of that. And then headed straight to the kitchen.

~ Niall's eyes

I never slept as good as I slept last night. It's like the whole stress that I had since day one, dissapeared, but I am not complaining. At all. 

Last night was beyond perfect. I have been so eager to kiss Ath, and I finally did. Just hearing her laugh made a smile grow on my face, and I couldn't deny my feelings for her anymore. We haven't talked about our feelings for eachother, it seems like we both want to take everything slow, and again, im not complaining.

I got up from bed and went over to Ath's bathroom. Yesterday she gave me a spare toothbrush, so luckily I was able to brush my teeth. I fixed my hair with my hands, and splashed some water in my face. I could hear soft but very familiar music coming from the kitchen, and a very familiar female voice singing along to it.

'She floats through the room on a big ballon, some say she's such a fake, that her love is made up, no, no, no, no'

I smiled widely and let out a little giggle, Girl Almighty is one of my favorites.

Heading now to the kitchen, I could see Ath's back. She was wearing an oversized shirt, white socks, and some sport shorts. Her brown hair was tied up in a low bun, and her feet were moving to the rythm of the music. She was looking out the window, probably watching the rain fall. She loves rain.

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