New friendships // Chapter 5

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~ Athena's eyes

Yesterday Niall had fallen asleep on the couch, and I didn't want to wake him up. So I headed to what the guests room, and slept there. It was a nice room, quite 'white' if im being honest. The bed was white, the walls were white, the pillows were white.

I woke up the next morning feeling really good, that bed was beyond comfortable. I walked up to the kitcken to see Niall with my Walls hoodie in hand.


"Morning" I cleared my throat and rubbed my eyes

"Morning Ath"

His morning voice. Holy shit.

"How'd you sleep?" he asked while looking at me in the eyes

"Amazing, that bed is beyond comfortable" I said and let out a chuckle

"Is this Louis' merch?" He wondered while holding the hoodie

"Yep, Walls is one of my favorite albums" I popped the 'p'

He walked up to me, and leaned against the wall

"Do you have my merch too?" He smirkd and looked at me with questioning eyes.

"I don't have much of your official merch, I usually buy inspired crewnecks and shirts over Etsy. I like Etsy desings better" I was walking backwards, because being close to him made me nervous

"Are you saying that my merch team is bad?" He said while holding a hand up to his heart meaning that he was "hurt"

"Im not saying that it's bad, but it isn't my favorite" I giggled

"Next time we hang out I wanna see your Etsy merch" he grinned

Next time? He wanted to hang out again? Oh wow


There was an awkard silence in which it was only me and him, looking at eachother's eyes

"Do you want anything for breakfast?"

"Oh no, it's fine, I'll eat at home, i should probably get going " I said and let out a little cough

"I'll take you"

"No Ni it's fine, ill walk back"

"No, you are not walking back alone"


"Fine, but we'll facetime the whole walk, I wanna make sure you get home safe" He smiled

"Fine" I let out a chuckle "I'll go get changed"

"Sure, you can use a spare toothbrush if you want"

"Perfect, thank you Ni"

"Don't even mention it" he said while sipping his coffee

~ Niall's eyes

Yesterday we spent so much time just talking about our lives, she is so easy to talk to. It made me laugh when I realized she had Louis' merch on, I was so caught up on talking that I didn't even realize she had it on.

It's cute that she supports me and the boys.

"Readyyyy" She shouted while coming up to me running

"Perfect, now get your phone"

"Yessir" She said while talking her hand up to her head like i was some kind of captain giving her an order

"Great I'll call you"

'Hi, we are One Direction! Someone's calling you, answer your phone! Unless you don't like them, then you can just pretend that you didn't hear me. Which I would never do to anyone cause it would be mean. Unless they smell...

Wow! You are popular! Someone's calling you pick up your phone! Come on, im a busy guy, I can't hang around inside your phone doing ringtones all day! ANSWER IT!

You gotta help me, im stuck inside your phone! Answer it to set me free! Hurry! It's stuffy in here!

You're annoying everybody now, answer your phone. Pick up the pho-, pick up the.. pick it up! Um, pick it up, now! Get...get it!

This is the most annoying ringtone ever...'

She quickly picked the phone up and I could see the bottom of her face on my screen

"Oh wow, this is awkard" She was blushing so much but i couldn't stop laughing

"Stop laughing!" She said and hit me a bit on the shoulder

"Im. sorry" I said in between laughs

"Don't say what you don't mean, Horan" she was shaking her head 'no' while laughing

"That's not fair, I don't know your last name" I pouted

"Rivers, my last name is Rivers"

"Nice, it suits your name" I was looking at her in the eyes, she had nice eyes

"Thank you. Now I really need to head out before Anna kills me"


"Thank you for everything Ni, I really appreciate it"

She was now heading my way, and hugged me. It was a sincere hug.

"Don't even mention it" I smiled at her

I could see Athena walking out of my building through my phone, the cold humid air flowing around making her hair dance along with the wind.

"So, I want to know more about yourself" I stated, cocking my head a bit to the side

"What do you want to know?" She asked, bitting back a smile

"Favorite movie, favorite color, favorite food and favorite TV series"

"My favorite movie is probably Grease, my favorite color is light blue, my favorite food is lasagna and my favorite TV series is Full House"

"Did you know that Louis' favorite movie is Grease too?" I asked, way to caught up in the moment to realize that she probably already knew that

"I did know that" She let out a small laugh

"Right. Sometimes i forget that you are a fan" I shook my head and laughed a bit as well.

"It's okay." She made a pause "And what about you? What is your favorite movie, color, food and TV series?"

And that's how the walk went by, getting to know eachother, laughing, talking about our families, the things we liked, the things we didn't. It was nice talking to her. As if he never ran out of stuff to mention and chatter about, it was nice, if I'm being honest, just chilling with someone and talking without feeling that pressure of constantly having to entertain them.

"Okay, I made it home" She said in a soft tone before letting out a sigh, probably not wanting to end the call

"Great, I gotta get in a call with my manager. I'll call you later Ath" I assured her

"Great, bye Ni" She smiled

"Bye Ath" I smiled back

We were becoming good friends, and i would be lying if I said I didn't find it nice

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