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           "Andrea, get down

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  "Andrea, get down." Dani instructed the blonde woman, who sat cleaning her gun, unbeknownst to the herd of walkers outside of the R.V, that were dragging their lifeless bodies along the roads, snarling as they did so.

"What?" She asked, looking at the young brunette in front of her.

"Get down. Now." Dani spoke through gritted teeth, wishing the woman would follow her instructions, however she was met with the same confused look she'd previously given her, and so, she had to make it a bit more obvious "Look to your left."

And that's when she noticed it. "Oh, god!" The woman immediately dropped her gun, jumping to the floor, Dani doing the same.

"It's gonna be okay, we just need to stay quiet." Dani reassured the woman, whose hands were shaking vigorously at her side. Sure, neither of them particularly wanted to be alive, but there were better ways to go than being torn apart by a herd of walkers.

The two sat there for a moment, completely silent, praying none of the undead would sense their presence inside the vehicle.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

It was mere seconds later that a brain dead, rotting corpse made its way into the R.V. Dani sat there for a moment, unsure of where to hide. As if reading her thoughts, Andrea spoke up.

"Get in the cupboard!" Andrea whisper-yelled to the young brunette that she had recently taken a liking to, reaching for the individual pieces of her gun that she had failed to put back together.

Dani looked to her right and noticed a small cubicle, she instantly did as Andrea said, quickly scurrying into the room, Andrea following soon after, shutting the folding door behind her.

Heavy, nervous breaths filled the small room. Looking below her, Dani noticed the blonde woman's trembling hands try to assemble her gun, failing miserably as she did so. Noticing her desperate attempts, Dani decided to take action, her hands roamed her body, searching for a weapon of some sort, stopping when she felt a small dagger in her jean back pocket.

Nudging Andrea slightly, indicating to the blonde she had a weapon of her own, she was met with a half-relieved, still incredibly nervous look, along with a far too noticeable sigh which was proceeded by the woman dropping the pieces of her gun to the floor amid her relaxation, gaining the attention of nothing other than the Walker that was weaving it's way through the R.V, standing only a few centimetres behind the door.

The Walker instantly began ramming its lifeless body at the weak doors, which received deafening screams from Andrea, only encouraging the Walker more.

"Fuck this shit." Dani said as she decided in the spur of the moment to open the folding doors, where she was immediately met with the unfortunate snapping of an undead's jaw in her face, the smell practically making her gag. Within an instant, she plunged her knife into and then quickly out of the walkers skull, causing it to drop dead ( for the second time? ) to the ground, blood splattering over her face and hands as she stabbed it twice more, to ensure it was fully gone.

"You okay?" Dani asked, concerned over the blonde woman who remained in the small cubicle, her knees hugged into her chest as she sniffled and continuously shook, the fear evident in her eyes.

The woman responded with a series of 'oh God's', her arms wrapping themselves around the eighteen year old who had saved her life. Now, Dani wasn't one for physical affection, it generally made her uncomfortable. But, she noticed the distress that the Walker had caused Andrea and so she caved, loosely ( but rather awkwardly ) placing her arms around the woman's slim figure.

"Thank you." Andrea whispered into the brunettes hair, to which she didn't know how to respond.

No one had ever truly thanked her before. She hadn't ever done anything good enough to earn someone else's sincere gratefulness, let alone save a persons life. It was a weird feeling. She felt proud. And she fucking hated it.

"Sure." The girl decided to say, her face immediately cringing at her choice of words. Is that what someone says when a person says thank you? Probably not.

"I think the herds passed through." Dani said after about ten minutes of the two women sitting on the floor, Andrea's head resting upon her shoulder, something the brunette hadn't even noticed she'd done.

"Really?" The blonde stood up, peering out of the R.V's windows, noticing there was no more lifeless figures walking idly along the roads, she let out a sigh of relief.

"Shit, the others!" Dani had completely forgotten about those who were unfortunate enough to be outside when the herd passed through. She shot up, making her way through the vehicles already opened doors, her head spinning in all directions with the hopes she would see well, anyone, really.

The two women were immediately met with the sight of Dale, who had been hiding on the top of the R.V, and was pleased to see they were unharmed, especially after hearing the chaos that went on inside his beloved vehicle. He informed Dani on how proud he was of her for killing the Walker and saving Andreas life in the process, giving her a whole dad speech. ( he felt it was necessary to share his happiness, and considered himself lucky that she hadn't let herself get torn to pieces. He found himself growing all too fond of both Andrea and Dani ) the girl wasn't sure how to react to Dale's 'well done for not dying' sentiment, so she instead shot him a smile and asked if everyone was okay.

The man informed her of everything that had happened while she was in the RV. Apparently, Sophia had ran away after being chased by a couple of walkers and so Rick went looking for her, only to return empty handed, casting a solemn shadow over the group. Dani felt her stomach drop, she was only twelve. Truthfully, the brunette had barely spoken to either of the remaining Peletier's, but it didn't mean she felt any less for Carol, who was praying for her daughter to return, preferably alive and unharmed.

But by the time night fell and Rick and Daryl returned again, very Sophia-less, everyone knew the outcome of finding her would most likely be a morbid one.

All Dani could think of was one of her only interactions with the little girl, where she remembered Sophia had sat quietly while Dani and Carl were reading comics at the CDC, laughing sweetly as the eighteen year old made stupid faces at her, in an attempt to lift her spirits after her cruel fathers death.

She just prayed that Carol would see Sophia Peletier again. Maybe Dani would finally have a proper conversation with the little girl.

And as the sun shone brightly the next day while the group went out to search for Sophia, Dani truly believed that they would find the twelve year old.

It's safe to say that all hope for her return was lost the moment that Carl Grimes was shot.

authors note
why is it taking me so long to write one episode.

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