"Hello, Detective," Michelle said as she put the last of the groceries in the SUV and slammed the door.

"Hi, Mrs. Kilani." the Detective said, her voice strained.

Michelle thought the woman sounded tired. She leaned back against the car and examined her free hand, noting it had stopped shaking.

"What can I do for you, Ms. Grayson? Anything new to report?"

"Not much, I'm afraid. We're continuing the investigation, but until I have something more substantial to tell you, I can't really say much about how it is going. I'm sure you understand."

That was pretty much her standard response to that query, and Michelle expected it. "I certainly understand. But I saw the picture of that boy on the news."

"Yes. Howard Gunderson. We have to release the name and the mugshot when someone is charged. He doesn't look it, but Gunderson is over eighteen, so he won't be tried as a juvenile. That also means a lot of information went public when he was charged." 

"I find it hard to believe," Michelle said, rubbing her eyes. "He's so young, and the reporter said that he had no history of violence of any kind. Do you think it was an accident, or do you think it was something random? Maybe a gang thing?"

Michelle thought she detected a note of amusement in the Detective's voice. "Well, that's what we're trying to find out. But no, I don't think it was a gang thing. Nothing in the boy's background would lead me to believe that would be the case. But we don't know anything for sure yet."

"I understand," Michelle said. "I appreciate you keeping me up to date on things. Really, I do. And I will tell Keith you called."

"Thank you, Mrs. Kilani. I appreciate that. But I'm afraid this isn't purely a call just to check in."

"Oh?" Michelle could sense some frustration in the Detective's voice.

"The truth is, we can find no evidence that would lead us to think Dr. Pratt's death is either an accident, or a random killing. I have to tell you, this is the most confounding case I've ever worked, and nothing about it makes any sense." The detective sighed into the phone. "I know you said that neither you nor Keith know Gunderson. But I'm calling to ask if you are both absolutely sure. I need to know if there is any connection at all you might have overlooked, even if it seems extremely obscure. Is there any chance that Howard Gunderson might have known Dr. Pratt?"

Michelle felt her skin crawl. She had been expecting this, and it was something that had not been far from her mind, ever since the night of the murder.

"Detective, do you think it might be a hate crime? Do you think that boy murdered Richard because he was gay?"

Grayson paused. "Well, we have no reason to jump to that conclusion. And we can't find any evidence that Gunderson is homophobic. None of his friends say he ever talked smack about gay people. Still, we have to ask, why would Gunderson direct the boy who was driving the truck to go to Dr. Pratt's house? All the boys say it was as if Gunderson knew exactly where he wanted to go. It didn't feel random to them at all. So I have to assume that there must be some connection between the two men."

Michelle was a little taken aback. Detective Grayson had been very friendly and helpful, but there was a new tone in her voice. Clearly, since the murder, she had become emotionally involved in this case, or perhaps she was just immensely frustrated. Either way, Michelle suspected she knew what the Detective was getting at.

"I'm afraid there isn't anything I can say that I haven't already said, Detective. And I don't think Keith can tell you any more either. He's adamant that he's never heard of this boy, never seen him, and has no reason to think that Richard did either. I assume you checked all of Richard's social media accounts and found nothing. So if there is some connection between the two, it would be a surprise to me. And to Keith."

The Last Handful of Clover - Book 1: The HereafterWhere stories live. Discover now