The Dance - Seb

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Requested by anniebellchase  I hope you like it!! I'm so sorry it took me a bit to write!

Requested by anniebellchase  I hope you like it!! I'm so sorry it took me a bit to write!

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Enjoy this photo since I couldn't find a gif

It was February, which meant Valentine's time's day. But that also meant that your daughter would be having a daddy daughter dance around the holiday for school. When she came home a few weeks before the dance with the news she was more than excited. Immediately she asked Sebastian if he'd go with her.

"That sounds fun! I think I'll be able to make it" he said to her, smiling as he knew his schedule was most likely busy that day. Your daughter didn't seem to hear anything other than "yes" making her very excited. ------------------------------------------------------

On Friday, after school, you and your daughter headed to the mall. She wanted to pick out her outfit and hair accessories for the dance so the two of you made a nice afternoon of it. She searched through a few stores before she finally found a dress she liked, young children can be so picky sometimes. You payed for the dress before taking her to Claries (or any other store, Claire's is the first I thought of) to pick out her hair accessories and some jewelry she ended up finding.

When the two of you got back to the house, your daughter immediately rushed to her room to hide the outfit yelling to her dad "No you cannot see it!" when he asked

You walked over to him, wrapping your arms around him, "You can't make it can you?" you asked quietly.

"They have booked for filming that day.. But don't worry, I have a plan" he said, sighing slightly as he thought over what to do exactly.

The night of the dance had finally arrived and your daughter was sat in on her bed, just staring at her feet. She had taken a bath and eaten a small snack, and now she was wearing her dress waiting for you to do her hair. Her joy for the dance seemed to drop by the seconds as she hadn't seen Sebastian since he left this morning.

"Hey honey... You okay?" you asked as you knelt down in front of her

"Is dad gonna be able to come?" she asked

"Of course he is, why wouldn't he?"

"Well, he's busy working. It's okay I can just, hang out with my friends maybe" she sighed

You hugged your daughter, assuring her things would be okay before doing her hair for the evening.

The two of you sat on the couch, awaiting Sebastian. Your daughter was still excited but she didn't think he'd make it on time. When the doorbell rang, she jumped up, looking at you.

"Let's go see who it is" you said as she grabbed your hand and led you to the door. You opened it and smiled as she gasped

"Daddy!!!" she cheered, running forward and wrapping her arms around Sebastian's waist as best she could. He knelt down, picking her up and smiling

"I told you I'd make it! You didn't think I wouldn't did you?"

"Come on we gotta go!!" she said, trying to jump down

"Okay okay say bye to mommy" he said as the two of you laughed

"Bye mom! Let's go dad!!" she rushed out laughing

"Bye sweetie, we'll be home soon" he said to you, giving you a small kiss before you waved

"Have fun! Take pictures!" you shouted as they left to the car.

Word Count: 563
Written: August 2, 2021- August 3, 2021
Published: August 3, 2021

Sebastian Stan Imagines{✔️}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن