Clumsy ~ Seb

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"Y/n? What was that?"

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"Y/n? What was that?"

"Um, nothing!"

You shouted back to the worried man downstairs. Much to your dismay, he came upstairs anyways.

"Why are you laying on the ground honey?"

You looked around at the stack of books and objects you had been carrying before you stumbled on your leg and fell.

"I got tired, decided to take a nap here"

Sebastian chuckled and stretched out his hand toward you, which you gladly accepted. He pulled you up into his chest, a warm smile on his face.

"You're so clumsy"


The next time your clumsiness made an appearance was when you were watching TV. You had been laying on the couch when all of the sudden you went to get up and your body just gave out.



"Did you just fall?"


You could hear Sebastian slightly laugh before he came in the living room with snacks. He place them down on the table before sitting up on the couch, picking you up with him.

He sat you in his lap before turning on a movie and then looking at you.

"So, how'd you fall?"

"Um, I, I don't know"

You slightly paused, worried that if you couldn't control your clumsiness soon, he'd get annoyed.

But all Sebastian did was press a sweet kiss to your lips, smile, and then turn his attention toward the movie.


One afternoon, you and Sebastian were outside walking around at the park. Not many people were out thankfully and the weather was nice.

As the two of you walked, you chatted about anything and everything before you stopped talking. Sebastian looked to see you swinging your arms around to not fall.

"I swear only you could trip over your own shadow"

"Hey! My shadows a tricky little bastard. It likes to see me fall to its level"


Word Count: 310

Written and Published: March 9, 2021

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