Chapter 7: Love is in the Air!

Start from the beginning


Painting a basket of fruit was my current skill level at that point of the year. It didn't help that Nagatoro mostly distracted me from my responsibilities as a member of the art club. However, on this particular day, she was not as vocal. 

She slouched on the chair as I continued my work, only noticing this when I turned around for a moment. 

Me: Nagatoro?

She didn't answer. 

Me: Nagatoro?

I sighed and got off my seat and went over to her as I held my ear out to hear her. 

She was sleeping, and snoring very quietly. Looking at the whole picture of the scenario, I thought she looked very cute.

Me: If you were this tired, why did you bother coming here in the first place. I guess the swim team was pretty tiring today for you, huh?

All she did was snored quietly. 

Me: You can't sleep on that seat. You'll wake up with different pains around your body for sleeping like that. Also, I'll be needing that seat in a bit. 

She started to slouch off the chair, but I caught her and held her up. 

Me: For someone so outspoken and sadistic, you sure do have your moments when you act like a normal girl, as much as they are rare.

I carried her to the sofa we had in the classroom and I laid her down. She turned around and found her spot to sleep comfortably in as I looked at the sleeping Nagatoro. 

Me: Simply adorable. Why can't you always be like this? 

A snore answered my question as I sighed. 

Me: Well then again, if you were always like this, I couldn't appreciate it as much as I am now. Oh, I know. 

I took out my phone and focused it on Nagatoro, where she was sleeping on the sofa.

I took out my phone and focused it on Nagatoro, where she was sleeping on the sofa

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Me: President did tell me to find my own inspiration when it came to art. This can be the centerpiece for one of my works. However, should she find out, even I don't know just how much damage she'd do to me. 

I went back to my seat and continued to draw, as Nagatoro slept profusely. 




*Flashback end*

Me: ... and then I took a picture of you sleeping on the sofa. I thought you looked cute and adorable. 

Nagatoro was bright red and looking away. Her reaction was different than what I was prepared to encounter. However, it seems I hit her with my flattery. And with this, I secured my phone from her hands while she was in this daze. But, it seemed she was more fixated on what I said then on my phone now.   

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