Instalment Thirteen

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I'm disappointed Harry, I'm disappointed for a few reasons.

One, because it's been a week and you've barely even made eye contact with me, okay so I understand it a little, you're still a little mad about the whole graveyard incident, but from my understanding, I did both you and your mother a favour. You knew he didn't deserve the attention your mum was giving him, nor did he deserve to be amongst the memories of others who had been laid to rest.

And two, you have continued to keep Zayn around. He doesn't go to our school, so that's a small relief, I don't need to see you interacting with him during the day, but he sits inside the bakery for the entirety of your shift, he waits for you to finish just to spend the rest of the afternoon snogging you.

I really don't understand the attraction, I have been keeping a closer eye on Zayn than I would even care to admit, and he isn't interesting in the slightest Harry, what is it you see in him? But it's become evident that I need to know more. I need to explore the inner workings of Zayn Malik and what it is about him that is having you melt around him Harry, because everything I thought I had figured out about you up until now is being turned on its head.

You're having him over for dinner tonight, his mother is working a late shift at the hospital and his father is out training his team, so your mother suggested bringing him over so she can formally meet him. I see the way she looks at him Harry, she sees straight through him. She understands he has no substance to him.

So, I have allowed myself access to his house whilst you're keeping him occupied. Yes, I understand Harry, I keep my working pretty similar, doesn't seem like that long ago I was poking around your room, but don't worry. I have no gifts to leave Zayn, I don't care for him the way I do you.

First of all, his laptop. Like yourself, he is trusting, he reframes from having any access codes. What is it with people and not protecting their privacy anymore, do you not understand that there are people who are quite capable of walking into your room and going through your personal items? I mean, even with an access code I would be able to grant myself access regardless, but you really are making this too simple for me.

His social media.

To be expected, he is living in the shadows of his legendary father and it is quite evident, he is searching for confirmation and validation. He had fallen predator to the current generation who define self-worth on the amount of 'likes' received on a social media post. This is evident by the hashtags he uses to promote his selfies.





It's a constant cry for acceptance, into any group really. But its artificial. Nobody behaves like this, and the way I watched him interact with you, he isn't a naturally confident person, yet the social media feed shows self-indulgence and self-obsession. I think he is loving himself enough for the both of you Harry.

Scrolling further through the feed, I was pleasantly shocked to find another individual who caught my attention. A rather appealing individual with sharp features, and a very contagious smile. The tag displays someone of the likes of 'Liam Payne' and Liam looks to be a former lover of Maliks.


Mr Payne, I believe you've just acquired yourself a new friend request from yours truly. You may be my way in. No one has more dirt on a person than an ex. Thank god mine is six feet under. Can't say much from the grave.

Harry, this profile is questionable even at the best of times. What is it you think you're achieving in this?

"I told you there was nothing to be frightened of" the voice lurking downstairs belong to you Harry, and I didn't anticipate your arrival so soon.

"I was just worried she wouldn't like me" No one does Malik, so I'm not surprised you feel this way.

I make myself scarce by sliding underneath the bed, a simple move displayed many times through the movies, but I get it now, really leaves you with no choice when your rudely interrupted.

"Of course she likes you" Harry honey, is that your best convincing voice. You're really going to have to work on your lying skills.

"If you say so" the sound of your lips smacking together is really vile. I can't believe you can stand to have your mouth anywhere near that boy.

When the positioning on the bed changes I can tell you've both shifted your weight, this is not a place I want to be right now. I would rather have eyes on this situation, not ears. I said once before Harry; presumption is a killer.

Zayn Malik is a moaner, good to know. Whatever you're going up there Harry; he is throughly enjoyed it. As he should.

The sudden presence of your bare legs standing by the bed only increases my thoughts as to what position you've just put Zayn into now and judging by the moans, screams and cusses of your name, I believe your about to be balls deep in his behind.

You, however Harry, have displayed no noise. You're simply going through the motions and allowing Zayn to have all the pleasure. Whilst I admire the idea behind that, it's rather unfair is it not.

Someone like you deserves to be tortured, in the most sensual way possible of course, you should be the one screaming the name of the person completely rocking your world. Not the other way around.

It isn't long before the tensing of your calves tell me that once again you've completed your journey; however hated the ride.

I've imagined much more from you Harry in the bedroom. Something tells me I am right; and whatever I am witnessing is not your true behaviour.

"Are you sure you can't stay here the night?" Oh look, now he's begging for company.

"Sorry; I've got a math paper due in the morning" you lie. I know this Harry, but you can get away with it because he isn't from our school. That is very interesting. Why did you lie?

No sooner, you leave and I must stay in this awful position until lover boy has gone to sleep. Only then am I able to slip away.

Finally able to slip myself out, it was so tempting to just finish him off there and then. I had such a beautiful opportunity Harry to take him out; remove him from the equation, but I didn't. More so because I would need much better planning to rid of a human than just giving into temptation.

But don't be alarmed Harry. In good time I will make sure we are free of Zayn Malik.

He is a distraction to you after all.

And the accepting friend request I just received from a Liam Payne just hyped me a little bit more.

It's all about being an ambush predator remember Harry. Stalk out your prey, watch it closely, monitor its every movement before making your surprise attack.

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