Instalment Twelve

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I guess someone invited lover boy to the after party. I should have expected it, he's going to cling to you like the parasite that I know he is. I can just tell.

He hasn't left your side since arriving and not that I blame him, you are an addictive substance Mr Styles, but there are more respectful ways to go about it.

I'm keeping a close eye on you tonight Harry, and I know you will thank me for it later, I am, after all, experienced with this sort of thing, observing the behaviour of individuals when intoxicated, they make terrible decisions and sometimes they can't be corrected.

I would hate to see any more permanent mistakes be made.

Tonight Harry, you do not seem shy. Your continuous efforts to blend into the background seemed to have disappeared when you are around this new boy and I hope to god you can feel my eyes burning into the side of your head right now.

As much as he is inviting his hands onto your body, you're returning the favour and letting those immense hands of yours roam the passages of his. You're exasperating me Harry. I don't appreciate it.

More so, you haven't even acknowledged my presence here tonight. I thought we were getting along so well on my porch earlier. Your entire attention has been devoted to his boy, someone you have only known for a few hours now, greedy of you.

"Who is that?" I need a name for mystery boy, as he is now a prime subject in my priorities, I feel like I need to make it a little more personal. And Niall has this ability to know everyone.

"Zayn Malik" well I be damned. Malik is a name you don't hear around here too often which can only mean one thing.

My curiosity in this boy has only heightened now.

"You don't say" the thrill I have must be completely evident on my face right now.

"Yep, Rodrick's son" Rodrick is coach of the team we just wiped the field with. I wonder what he would do if he found his only son not only fraternising with the enemy but probably also the main reason for his loss today.


The interest you continue to show in this boy Harry is questionable. What is it about him that is captivating your attention? Or are you just on a high from today? I understand the latter, but there is plenty of other toys you are more suited to playing with.

Taking your hand in his, he leads you up the stairs. This boy does not quit does he. But I must, of course, follow. I'm only looking out for your best intentions Harry; you are incapable of making correct choices tonight. But I do not blame you, I blame him.

He is taking advantage of your vulnerability, he sensed the weaknesses in you and the self-doubt, he saw, just as I did, that the minute he complimented you, you fell prisoner to his command. You aren't that easy Harry. Believe me, I wouldn't venerate you as much if you were.

I am even more irritated when he closes the door, keeping you all to himself behind the poorly painted wooden door. I know you Harry, you aren't comfortable with this forward behaviour. As much as Bella threw herself at you, you refused to give in. But when you aren't dazed on whiskey perhaps these morals change? I would hate to think you stoop so low.

I need a better visual, I need to see you. I need to make sure that Malik here isn't annexing you.

"Leaving so soon Tommo?"

"You'll see me soon I'm sure Nialler" For right now, I needed a better viewpoint of your third bedroom.

Trees, I was never much of a climber as a kid, but what can I say, desperate times call for desperate measures.

I've successfully gained a better view and I can definitely say that I don't like what I am seeing.

Not only have you allowed him to reconnoitre your exquisite body with his hands, you've heightened that to allow him to explore your mouth with what I can only imagine is his divulging tongue.

How does betrayal taste Harry?

He drops to his knees in front of you, the only thing he has done right this entire evening, presenting himself as inferior to you. But as he takes your chinos into his hands, I see the expression on your face change, you look a little unsure, but nonetheless, close your eyes and what I hope to be you praying that this ends quickly.

Your length is impressive Harry, I guess it mimics the courage you presented to me on the rooftop, didn't know you had it in you. And I can see that even though you enjoy the sensation of his natural lubricant around your collection of nerves, it doesn't excite you. I can tell already Harry, but the way you react to Zayn's touch, it doesn't make you as nervous as I do.

Comfortability is not a place you enjoy being in Harry. I know this about you already.

Being in a position of power, you realise how addictive it is to feel nerves, to feel unpredicted. Especially in the bedroom Harry, you want to be surprised, you want to be rattled. You want to have your literal world rocked.

But it seems as if Mr Malik here is taking the more sensual approach, he is being gentle and giving, tending to your needs as he thinks you will like them. But I don't see you like Harry. You want to be the submissive, you crave it.

The wiping of the corners of Zayn's mouth suggest that you reached your high, but that doesn't mean you reached your climax. Judging by you Harry, and what I have already gathered about the shy ones, they display the most Broadway of performances when reaching orgasm. And Zayn just wasn't able to bring that out in you.


The comforting smirk you give him as he rises back to his feet, letting him know he did a great job, you're so full of lies, but it proves you are a good person, let the devil in you out Harry. He's begging for it. Zayn looks pleased with himself and after a substantial swig of alcohol, you reward him with your desirable lips again before returning back to the party.

I climb down from my station and slip myself back inside, needing to return my eye back to you, as soon as I enter the threshold, you actually make eye contact with me this time. You thinking I have just arrived unknowingly of what we have just been through together.

Your reaction to seeing me was a little unanticipated and you leave the side of your lover boy and march right for my direction.

"Mum is still asking questions you know, about the whereabouts of Leon and the police are involved. You're going to get caught." Your whispers are unneeded in this place Harry, but I appreciate your efforts in keeping this personal.

"I don't know what you're talking about Harold"

"Of course, you do, your revolting, and you're going to get what is coming to you" that isn't very polite Harry, why am I not receiving the same treatment you just displayed to Zayn?

"Unlike your boy over there, I know how to take of business that requires my tending to. I don't leave things half-finished and believe me Harry, that wasn't a culmination" you're smart Harry, I know it won't take you long to work out, I've changed the topic.

Your head whips back to Zayn and then directly back to me, the realisation on your face sinking in.

"Stay away from me" you boast, although you technically came up to me just now. However, nice to know you didn't defend his performance, almost like what I said was fact.

I'm never wrong Harry, remember that.

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