Chapter 39

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"I think under the weather was a bit of an understatement." Raymond said with a grimace.

"What the actual hell?" Lyra asked.

Before their very eyes was the man they were searching for. The man they traveled miles for. Crossed multiple state lines. Only to find him slumped over his desk in a pool of his own blood. Grabbing the man's head and pulled it up revealed a knife lodged into his skull.

"Either someone hated his art gallery, or they knew we were coming." The half monkey said letting the man's head flop down.

"We should probably search for clues." Lyra told Raymond.

"Yeah that's a good idea. You search for information; the trail can't go cold here. I'll figure out what happened to him." He said eyes glowing gold.

The auburn haired girl nodded. She hadn't put her earring back in after being on the roof. She felt safe and confident around her friend. A feeling she knew he shared, because he hadn't put his coat back on.

Raymond's eyes scanned the office. After a short while the crime scene started to form. He saw Gerald as a disembodied orange color, and the assailant a noxious green color. He also saw another green shape behind the assailant. His eyes dimmed and he groaned from the pressure in his head.

"You know you would think I'd get used to that by now." He said in a strained voice.

"What'd you find out?" She asked from behind the blood drenched desk.

"Two guys were here. My guess is he threw the knife, because they didn't get close to him." The half monkey told her.

"So we're dealing with professional's then." Lyra said more to herself.

"What about you? You find anything?" The tailed youth asked.

"Well after getting over the blood I found all sorts of stuff on his computer." She said. Getting to his feet he headed behind the desk trying his best to ignore the dead body.

"Check his email. Maybe there's something we can use." The two searched through for five minutes until they found something useful.

"Well look here. Confirmation emails." She said.

"Comfirmation for what?" He asked back.

"Apparently he sells art that he collects. This email describes that orb you're looking for." She told him.

"Does it say where?" The half monkey asked on full alert.

"The Pacific Ocean?" She answered with a question.

"Wait what?" Raymond said.

"I have no idea the map here just shows a picture of the ocean." There was a brief pause before Lyra spoke up. "Wait a minute." She said. Zooming in on the map a small fleck of green appeared. "Right there." she said pointing at the screen. "Looks like a small island." She said.

"Print out the coordinates I don't care if I have to swim there." Raymond said. "Whoever the buyer is must be rich to own a damn island," He added as an after thought.

The printer came to life as the map of the island coordinates came spitting out.

"Well that's better than nothing, but we can't ignore the elephant in the room." Lyra answered.

"Yeah you're right. A normal hitman doesn't kill like this. Usually two bullets, maybe three, to the head, and that's it. They were here for us." The half monkey said.

"Then they're probably not far." She said.

"I agree. We should be careful." He told her.

"You careful? Who are you and what have you done with Raymond?" Lyra asked a twinkle in her electric eyes. He smiled back.

"What are you implying? I'm always careful." He said in mock offence.

"Anyway let's bail. We don't need anybody walking in on us with a dead body." The auburn haired girl said.

"Right behind you." Raymond said putting his coat on. Lyra felt a little disappointed seeing him put his long coat on.

The half monkey could see her disappointment. With a small smile he took it back off and handed it to her.

"Wha-" she started, but her friend interrupted her.

"Go on take it." He answered. Releasing it from his hand it landed into hers. Her eyes widened from how heavy it was. Any normal human being would be crushed by the weight.

"Jeez, that was a surprise." The girl said her electric eyes wide. Although the initial weight was surprising, the strong girl was more than capable of holding it. Taking it back, Raymond slipped it back on.

"It's not just to hide my tail. It's strong too. Bulletproof, fireproof, all different kinds of proof." The half monkey explained.

"I got to get me one of those." She said as the two were walking.

"Maybe you can get one from where ever you got that earring from." The tailed man suggested. The girl slowed down for a second and pondered his words. She looked down at the black stud in her hand.

"Hey you coming?" he asked. Raymond had a small smile on his face, and his eyes were soft. Lyra returned the smile. She saw his tail hanging free behind instead of it being around his waist.

"Yeah." She said closing her hand around the accessory tight. She jogged up to her friend. The earring left behind. Crumpled into a fine dust.
The two had returned to the hotel they were staying at. They were uneasy at first. They could feel the eye's of the assorted patrons on them. The duo endured though and were able to get through to their own floor with heads held high. However as soon as they got to their floor; they could see their door wide open. The two shared a look, before cautiously walking into the hotel room.

It wasn't worse for ware. It looked around the same as they left. The only difference was the red haired guy sitting on the couch with the tv on. Before either could say a word a knife whizzed past Raymond's head, and stuck into the wall. The scruffy man was now facing them his hand outstretched and a crooked smile on his face.

The skin on Raymond's broke and a fresh cut was on his face. His hand touched the wound and he saw the blood on his fingers. Lyra looked on in shock.

"I didn't have to miss you know. I could've put that right between your eyes." The man said.

"Yeah I believe you." Raymond said back. The scraggly man hopped over the couch to face the two. "So what do you want?" Raymond asked.

"Well first off the name's Felix." He said with a bow. "Secondly we were offered a lot of money to get that stick from you. Though I doubt you'll hand it over. So let's skip over all that and get to the point where I kill you." Felix said removing two large daggers from his side. Raymond's face took on a serious expression until he felt a pit in his stomach.

"We?" Raymond asked. That's when the wall exploded and a large man over seven feet tall wrapped his massive limbs around Lyra taking her off her feet. Lyra immediately began to struggle thrashing about in his arms.

"That's Big Ben." Big Ben pulled Lyra through the hole he made.

"Lyra!" Raymond called out extending his hand out too her. Before he could take a step, Felix lashed out with his blades.

"Nuh-uh big man. You ain't going nowhere." He said before attacking again.

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