We'll travel the world (💚💤🍓)

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Ship: Dream x Bad x George

Requested by: Myself

Prompt: Doesn't really have one.

You guys know how I had to go to summer school? That's where I got this idea from. Let me explain.

On the last day of summer school, me and some other people had to stay in the library since we didn't have spare clothes for field day. Don't ask why we had one, the teachers just thought it was cool.

Anyway. While we were in the library, there was also these kids helping out. Some kids at the computer were checking them or something, idk. And all of a sudden I over hear one of the three say "I'm gonna take you guys to new York someday. When we're out of here lets travel somewhere, together.

And its been on my mind ever since.


3rd POV

It was a normal day for the students of the SMP High school. Everyone was having fun, hanging with their friends. But one thing was different, today was the last day of school.

While everyone was busy talking to their friends, hanging out at the cafeteria, some outside, there was a trio, and they were at the library. Now, you might think, 'oh god, please don't let this be something like them being " not like the others " ' but no, this isn't like that.

You see, they weren't reading because they were really nerdy, or got bullied, no. These guys were just really awkward with anyone else but each other. They also were just trying to hang out more , they really didn't care about helping out. Of course they still did it, but it wasn't the reason they stayed in the library.

This trio is made up of DreamWasTaken, GeorgeNotFound, and Badboyhalo. Or, Dream, George, and Bad. These three were inseparable. They had known each other for ever. Since they were in Pre-K.

Dream and George both had a crush on Bad, so they argued and fought until they agreed to stop, trying to make Bad happy. They still tried to one up each other though. Bad thought this was hilarious. He liked them both equally.

But anyways, back to the story.

The three were inside, helping out while also chatting. Dream was writing things down on a piece of paper, it was a bunch of scribbled numbers. George was typing on the computer, probably inserting title to confirm the book isn't missing. Bad was stacking books, sometimes if a book caught his attention he would write down the name of it to come back later.

It had been quite for a bit, until Dream decided to break the silence. "Hey. Do you guys wanna go somewhere when we're out of here?" He asked. "Sure!" Bad said happily. George on the other hand seemed to think about it a lot.

"To where?" George asked. It was a simple question, you'd think, but apparently it wasn't for Dream. "Uh, well- I mean, uh maybe a-.. city?" Dream said, though he didn't sound confident in his answer.

"Dream, do you have no ideas?" Bad asked, while rolling his eyes and smiling. "Yeah.. Sorry" Dream said, looking apologetic. "its fine. This just means you can think about it now!" Bad said, smiling, also making Dream and George smile.

"yeah!" George said, agreeing. "Okay then, when we get out of here, I'll take you guys to New York! We'll stay in an expensive penthouse, eat good food! But most importantly, We'll be together the whole time!" Dream said, proposing his idea.

"Yeah!" Bad yelled, very excited to be with the two people he loves the most. George was also really happy, smiling at both Bad and Dream.

Bad put his hand out, palm facing downwards. Dream and George then followed.




"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! TOGETHER!" They yelled out. Bad was so happy he started jumping up and down, giving George a kiss on the cheek, then pulling Dream lower using his hoodie, also giving him a kiss on the cheek.


hey!! I promised you guys a chapter and here it is! I did this in like an hour. Hope it wasn't to bad!

Hope you guys enjoyed it! I'm heading to bed now. I have bro wake up early later. Byeeeeeeeee -Eclipse

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