She-elf; Thorin

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reader is a she-elf in this! italics are elvish

3rd person's POV:
Who else hates elves more than the stubborn, pig-headed dwarf in front of you? No one. Surely, you understood why he did, but why all elves?

You muttered curses in your mother tongue as you stood, dusting yourself off as you decide to take a walk in the forest.

Earlier, you had a fight with Thorin, him speaking some rather harsh words to you and your kin. You, stayed silent of course, you had just lagged behind to fill up your water skin and when you got back he started lecturing you about slowing them down, and now you're pissed off.

It was night time, the stars and moon were out, the dwarves were sleeping and Gandalf and Dwalin was awake because of their turn to keep watch.

And right now, they were watching you. Their eyes followed you as you stepped toward the wizard, silently speaking in elvish to say you were taking a night stroll, to which he nodded to as a yes, Dwalin grumbling angrily, "Speak in foreign tongue, she-elf"

You stopped, your ears hearing him as you faced his rather angry face.

"Didn't know I needed your permission to piss off, dwarf" you spat angrily as you walk out.

Dwarves. Dwarves, bloody dwarves.

Did he not note your furrowed brows and rather red complexion as a sign you weren't in the mood?

"Stupid, dumb, blunt-headed dwarves, all of them, why did I even agree to this stupid quest?" you mutter as you kick rocks and glare at trees, stepping further away from camp as you attempted to not land your anger anywhere near the company.

You were failing miserably; your curses did not go unnoticed by the 2 people keeping watch.

Unbeknownst to you, another dwarf watched amused as he saw you, a rather (he wouldn't admit this out loud) beautiful, and well-collected elf, kick off some steam.

Thorin didn't know that such graceful creatures he read in books, like yourself, could contort your face into an even more peculiar shape, he almost snorted out his laughter, but he just raised a brow at your actions. Some emotion glistening behind his eyes.

You looked rather adorable, if he didn't say so himself.

"Aren't elves supposed to be the closest creatures to nature?" The dwarf king asked the wizard, who was unphased by the actions you were showing not far from the camp.

"Aye, she look like she could eat 15 trees for breakfast as of the moment, her face is as red as the fire" Dwalin scoffed.

"Lady y/n isn't quite like the elves you see and read in books," Gandalf mused as he watched your angry huffing and stomping. You looked bloody ridiculous right now, Gandalf chuckled, but it isn't the first time he would see one of your tantrums.

"Any minute now she will take out her bow and do- ah yes, do that" the wizard watched with an amused smile as you took out your bow and shot 3 angry consecutive shots at a tree, each one embedding the other.

The other dwarves were now awake, thanks to Kili's amused whisper yell when he was awoken, "WOAH" he almost yelled. Fili woke up next, being the one closest and smacked his brother in the head. And so on, the company's eyes were half lidded and sleep evident in their eyes as they glared at Kili.

They were about to scold the prince when they stopped and looked at your figure from no more than 40 steps away, your grunting alarmed them; they thought it was a wild animal.

Your shouts in elvish were loud enough to be heard by them but not enough to alert people where you all were.

"Hey, uh, Gan-Gandalf? What err, what's miss Y/n saying?" Bilbo's ever so curious voice sliced through silence as the wizard let out a small laugh.

"If I told you out loud I would have to kill you" Gandalf said without batting an eye to the hobbit's scared face.

Poor, poor Mister Baggins never have been so terrified of the wizard.

"Can you whisper it to my ear, then?" Kili's voice was next to ask and he earned another smack.

Gandalf's POV:
Valar, this girl will be the death of me

Her curses were all crisp and clear as she shouted profanities in elvish that was dedicated to the dwarf king. Ai, if only they could understand her, she would be beheaded where she stood.

"Brainless, impatient idiot"

"Stupid dwarf. stupid creature"



"That bastard. I'M GONNA KILL HIM"

"Valar forgive me, I will commit a mighty sin"

"Should I just kill him off while he sleeps? That is tempting"

"I could shoot his head right now."

I sigh. "She's learning to control her temper. I propose you all not to bother her after this, she's known for aftershocks" I tell them and they gave me exasperated looks, and other spelt: 'are-you-joking?'

All of them meant only one thing:
Y/n scary.

"Control? Her temper? My, I hardly think the lass is even trying to control her temper at what she showed us" Bofur said, eyebrows raised as the dwarves hummed in agreement. I fought to roll my eyes.

"Is she going to murder that poor tree?" Ori asked and I laughed.

"With her, we will never know" I say honestly. Ori gulped and Bilbo shuddered.

"Are all she-elves this scary when mad, Gandalf?" Kili asked me again, I almost snorted in my smoke. No, Kili, she is a rare breed.

"No, my friend. She was born with anger issues, best not test it" I advice and he exhaled a breath, whistling as an expression of either impressed or scared; you can never know with Kili.

3rd person's POV:
Footsteps was heard and they shot their heads to see you walking back to them, your hair rather disheveled and your face was still slightly mad as your glare was set in your bedroll that awaited your return.

You sat on your bedroll as you, just now, acknowledged the eyes set on you, you met their gazes with a raised brow as they looked away, or pretended to do something to avoid your eyesight.

You looked at Gandalf with a look that asked, 'why-are-they-staring?'

He smiled as he shrugged, feigning innocence. You narrowed your eyes at him as he cleared his throat and also looked away.

You let your eyes set on the company for a bit before undoing your bow and quiver, setting it on your side.

You collected sticks and rocks on your way back as a replacement for the arrows you lost and started sharpening rocks quietly, deciding not to sleep tonight.

You still felt eyes on you, however. So you raised your head from sharpening rocks and scanned the company, meeting a pair of blue eyes, intently scanning your movements.

Your blood boiled once more as you acknowledged him. "What now?" you asked him impatiently as he raised both his brows at your tone.

"Angry?" he asked you and you scoff, not believing he was this oblivious.

"Do I not look like I'm the living embodiment of sunshine?" you ask him with a sweet smile to which he glared at you more.

"Sarcastic wench" he says and Bilbo choked on his water.

"Fuck off" you spat in elvish as you roll your eyes and turned your back.

"Tension" Kili and Fili said in unison.

"Aye, how many coins would you wager they'll tear each other's throats tomorrow?" Nori asked Dwalin as the dwarf scoffed.

"Won't count on it" he grumbled.

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