Snow; Legolas & Thranduil

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Italics are elvish ( feel free to correct, anyone knows where to find an elvish translator?)

Angsty cuz, come on, we love angst. And also, pretend you have blue eyes and blond/e hair here

3rd person's POV:
The prince of mirkwood. If you were asked to describe him you would use all the flowery words you knew; you were his sister, you admired him for what he has survived through. He managed to disobey your father, go through different lengths, learned love and grief all the same.

But before he was this noble ellon. He was a mama's boy. He was your prince charming and your role model. You looked up to him; your twin. Both of you having your father's eyes and hair, yet your personalities were that from the queen.

Oh the queen, how you both missed her dearly. You both were small elves when she died. Your father had neglected any sort of love, attention, and comfort from anyone. He turned cold, his icy eyes turned empty, leaving you both to comfort each other.

Your father didn't entirely change; but legolas was slowly changing. From losing your mother; you both learned to love. Someone unexpected. He has fallen in love with the captain of the guard, whilst you fell in love with a certain blonde-haired dwarf prince.

Devastation had you both, seen as your love turned cold. Tauriel had loved another and your Fili had died. How your eyes turned lifeless was never erased from your brother and father's minds. Their flower. Their brightest daoin. They wanted to bring back your lively smiles and laughs. They wanted their little princess back.

Your body had turned limp as the news of Fili's passing got to your ears, your father had to catch you as you passed out. He had laid you in a tent whilst he searched for your twin; who he found staring at Tauriel, crying as she clutched Kili's cold body, begging the Valar to take her too.

The pain and sadness wasn't present in his son's face. But when the prince turned to look at his father, Thranduil could see it. The little ellon whom you adored, and his precious son. Oh valar, the guilt that arose in his chest when legolas choked on his words as he asked his father was unbearable.

"Adar...why...why does it h-hurt?" His voice cracked as Thranduil pursed his lips, his own heart clenching to see his son in his state, his hair wasn't that all disheveled but his lips were chapped, his face had some orc blood on it, his hands had some bruises and scratches, and his blue eyes were sad and tired.

Your state earlier was slightly worse as you didn't even speak and Thranduil could practically hear your heary crack. "Because it was real, ionn in" Thranduil had tears in his eyes as he sadly responded to his son.

Legolas sobbed quietly, slowly sliding down a pillar for support. Legolas' tears cascaded down his pale face as he suddenly halted and looked up to his father in panic as he remembered something. "Y-y/n....adar, where is my sister?" Legolas had thought of all the worse possibilities of you being gone, calculated how he couldn't and wouldn't stay on this earth if you were gone.

Thranduil had embraced his child, something he hadn't done in a lifetime, to calm down the poor shaken prince. "She's resting" Thranduil shushed Legolas. Legolas couldn't believe what was happening. His father? The cold hearted king, was hugging him? Legolas hugged his father back as he sighed in relief of your whereabouts but tensed as Thranduil told him what had happened to your love.

Legolas knew and understood your love for the heir of durin. How he regretted he wasn't there for you. He demanded he see you at once. Thranduil nodded and led Legolas to your tent.

And there they found you sitting, clutching a small pendant in your hand. Legolas was familiar with the piece. He had remembered how happy and giddy you were when Fili gave you that pendant.

It was made of tough wood, something he made whilst bored in his cell. It had his first name carved into a neat penmanship. Legolas recalled how you smiled as you told him what Fili had told you that night.

"Keep this. This is my first name. You'll have to be contened with this until I give you my last name, is that alright, princess?"

He had promised you. To give you his last name. Legolas' lip's quivered as your eyes met his. You smiled a bitter smile as you opened your arms for him. He wasted no time as he went to you, hugging your waist. He was taller than you but now, he seemed smaller, more vulnerable. He hugged your waist as he sobbed your own eyes had tears in them as you held your poor brother's shaking body.

Thranduil's heart seemed to stop as he saw the scene before him unfold. This....this was what you two had become? You were both so strong but yet so weak. Just then, the king realized what he had done, all those years of pain and grief he drowned into, he forgot he wasn't alone.

He forgot you both. He forgot to be there. Now....both of you didn't even seem to need him anymore. And he thought his heart couldn't break even more when you opened your arms for him. Your eyes empty, nothing but a void of blue, no emotion whatsoever and it scared him.

But he saw your smile, your tears, and your open arms. They were accepting him. His children, whom he abandoned so long ago, they were now offering an embrace.

He realized how lucky he was. To have you and your brother in his life and he realized his mistakes as he entered your arms. He swore to himself, you, legolas, and your mother. That he would do everything in his power to make you both forgive him.

For now, he let you both grieve and this time, he was there to comfort you both. Amidst the snow outside and the sadness and grief surrounding you, you three felt warm and....and complete. And that was what mattered.

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