6 / Besties - Yandere Goku x (M)Reader

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Here ya go Zoro!


As the birds chirped happily, I walked around in the city while looking for a capsule shop. My hands were in my pockets as I gazed lazily around me. Goku's birthday was coming up so it seemed like it would be good to get him a gift.

Something glints in the corner of my eye and my head swivels, looking through the shop window with interest. In the room was a small chain, a dragon head woven into it and giving it a bold look but still subtle.

It seemed like it would fit him perfectly. It could go on his wrist or something... idk. What I did know was that I was running out of time and the bracelet was drawing me in. Having this thought, I opened the shop door and caused a chime to sound. Walking over to the bracelet, I grabbed it off of the stand and brought it to the register.

Behind the desk was an older man that looked to be in his seventies. He greeted me with a warm smile. "Hello there young sir, did you find everything alright?" Smiling, I nodded in confirmation as I slid the bracelet across the counter. "Yes sir, I did." As the older man picked up the bracelet, he hummed in thought. "A beautiful piece of jewelry for your girlfriend, ah?"

I chuckled sheepishly. "Actually, it's for a guy friend of mine thats birthday is going up soon." The older man behind the counter sighed and shook his head. "I always guess these things wrong." After sliding the bracelet in front of a scanner, he turns an electronic payer towards me. "That will be $22.09 young sir."

Grabbing a twenty and a ten from my pocket, I hand them to the man before receiving my change. The bracelet is handed to me and I begin to walk out before the cashier stops me. "Good luck with your friend, tell him I said happy birthday." I smile and nod. "Of course, have a good day sir." The older man smiles and waves as I walk out of the store and back into the sunlight.

I shove my hands in my pockets, my jeans feeling tighter than normal in the heat. Dropping the dragon-jewelry inside, I retracted my hands and let them swing at my sides as I turned towards the less populated streets. Soon finding an empty alleyway, I walked into the darkness before gathering my ki and slowly lifting off.

Making sure that the jewelry was still in my pocket, I decided to swing by Bulma's house first to get a bite to eat. I don't know how Bulma can shop all day, I spent thirty minutes downtown and my stomach is roaring with hunger. Chuckling, I soon landed in her yard and the back door swung open for me.

A familiar blue-headed female walked out of the door, smiling. "Hey (y/n), did you find a gift for Goku?" Smiling, I nodded in affirmation. Bulma's eyes light up and she skips over. "Oh really!? Lemme see~!" Laughing, I held my hands up in front of me.

"Ok, ok calm down." Still smiling, I reached back into my pocket, pulling out the gold chain. Setting it in Bulma's hand, her mouth dropped open into an 'o' shape. She said nothing for a moment as I twiddled my fingers nervously. Becoming self-conscious, I tried to take it back and began to fret. "Is it a bad gift? Do you think he wont like it!?"

Bulma snaps out of her stupor before grinning. "(y/n), this is amazing! It looks like Shenron but small enough it won't get in the way." I smile in relief. "Phew, you really had me nervous there for a sec Bulma. I was hoping you would like it. Everything you listed off just now is what I was going for, so that's fantastic."

Bulma smiles and nods. "Yep, I think he will love it." I scratch the back of my neck in embarrassment before Bulma begins to shove me away.

"Just because I like it doesn't mean you need to sit around here and wait for him to come! Go to his house, I'm sure Chichi wouldn't mind." I grin sheepishly before nodding. "Ok, thanks Bulma!" Once again I lift off then wave to Bulma before speeding off.

Turning my head forwards, I fly into the mountain region that the Son family called home. Soon, I spotted their house but noticed that it was eerily quiet. Landing softly so as not to disrupt the tense air more than necessary, I walked up to the Son's house and hesitantly knocked.

After waiting a few moments and receiving no answer, I knocked louder. "Hello? Anyone home?" After a few moments of more silence, I begin to step away until I notice something shiny on the floor. Curious, I bent down to inspect the sight further. Under the door, it seemed that something red was leaking out. It looked an awful lot like blood...

A piece of grass moved the opposite direction of the wind and I stiffened, adrenaline shooting through my veins. I try to turn and get in a stance but before I know it there is a knife pressed up against my neck, someone's husky breathing brushing up against my ear. Immediately freezing, the voice chuckles a low rumble.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you that curiosity killed the cat?" My pupils dilated in shock and fear at my captors voice. "G-Goku?" The person behind me hums in approval before his hand sneaked around my waist. I push on his hand and try to get him off me but my attempts are futile. Sighing, I bring my hand to my face to scratch my cheek when I notice that it is bloody.

My stomach drops and I let out a shaky breath. "Goku, what's on your arm?" Goku tsks and shakes his head. "So many questions." The hand that had the knife suddenly clamped around my mouth, preventing me from making any noise. Goku's body shakes against mine as his left hand tries to turn the door handle.

After some convincing, Goku was able to open the door and dragged me inside before putting both hands over my mouth. My eyes quickly adjust to the quiet inside the house as I scream, the sight before me making me curl my toes in fear. Chichi was laying at our feet, but her body was torn to pieces and her flesh was shredded.

Goku pressed down harder on my mouth. "Shh don't cry, she had it coming." I scream again but it isn't heard as I see Goten a few feet away, not dead but unconscious and bleeding out. Goku just continues to pull, dragging me to the master bedroom.

I try and get away but he pins me to the bed. "Now you can't leave yet (y/n), you still have to give me something." Collecting spit in the back of my throat, I launched the slimy mucus at him before growling. "Not after what I saw in the living room!"

Goku pouts at first before it turns into a scowl. "I already said that it wasn't my fault." He pins my hands more firmly before forcefully reaching into my pocket and grabbing the chain. His eyes light up. "This is a nice gift (y/n)! You shouldn't have tried to hide it!"

I gulp and attempt to knee him but he blocks it easily with a nasty look. He then sits with his knees on my hands, allowing him to put the bracelet on. "Ah, it looks like shenron. It's very pretty." Growling, I whip my head to face him. "What the hell, Goku? I know this isn't you. Snap out of it!"

Goku seems to study me for a moment before cracking his famous grin. "Well of course it's me! Otherwise I wouldn't be Goku and I know for sure that I'm Goku. G-O-K-U. Yep, that's my name! I also know that it's just you and me now and no one is in the way"

He leans down but I scootch away. Goku furrows his eyebrows. "Is this because of Bulma? You don't have to worry about that, she's already dead!" I stop struggling, staring at Goku with wide eyes. "W-what?"

Goku smiles, looking sickly proud. "Bulma is dead so now you don't have to struggle. Wanna know why?" I don't want to know why but I'm not given a choice as Goku clamps my mouth shut.

Bending down to my ear, his lips graze the bottom before he whispers the words I was scared to hear.

"Because you're all mine."

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