What I Left Behind- Chapter 4

Start from the beginning

 I had a pretty good schedule this year, surprisingly. I had classes with all of my friends. That's a first. A lot of firsts this year already, what else is there?

 As the morning progressed, I was becoming really happy with school. Maybe this year wouldn't be different after all. When it was lunchtime, everyone sat at our table in the cafeteria.

  I approached the table seeing a few new faces that I assumed were new comers onto the football team. I sat down next to Charlie in our usual spots, "Oh look, Michelle is already making her moves on the boys and its not even 7th period yet."  Charlie said chuckling.

 I giggled, "She learned from the best." I stated referring to her.

 "She sure did. Since when did I become the bore and not a whore? I mean look at me. I haven't talked to one guy today! I'm loosing it B I swear." Charlie said in all seriousness.

 I couldn't help but laugh. I was laughing so hard it was almost to the point where I almost fell out of my seat.

 "Whoa Blake, laugh any harder, and that smoothie you're drinking will come out of your nose." I heard a boy say from behind me. I turned around to see Wesley.

 "Can I help you?" I asked after containing my laughter.

 "Nope, just catching a bite on something to eat." He stated sitting in the seat next to mine. I bit my lip and chewed on it nervously.

  "Uhh-" I said before getting interrupted.

 "What Blake? Can't handle sitting next to the starting wide receiver?" He said cockily.

 There he goes again with his self-centered ego. I decided not to say anything and to let all of this play out. Ethan was bound to come over and move him out of his seat.

 I ignored him for the next five minutes, talking happily away to Charlie.  I saw Ethan and Drew walking towards us. Ethan looked at me smiling then turned to the right of me to see Wesley, his face slowly losing the smile.

 Charlie took a quick glance at the boys heading our way, "Uh Wesley, you have ten seconds to get the hell out of that seat boy." She said in all seriousness.

 "And why is that sweetheart?" He asked flirtatiously.

 I rolled my eyes as did Charlie, "Child please, calling a female sweetheart won't make her head over heels for you. It will only making her do this," she said squeezing the inside of his thigh making him whimper.

"Holy shit! Okay I'll get up, just stop fucking doing that! You're tickling me!" He cried.

 That did it for me. My head flung back, laughing so hard. My best friend was hilarious.

 "That's what I thought." She stated, slowly moving her hand away from his thigh. He instantly jumped from his seat over to the one at the end of the table, the furthest from Charlie.

 "God Charlie, you really do crack me up sometimes." I said giggling. Right then, the boys came over and sat next to us.

 "What the hell are you laughing about Blake? I could hear you from across the café." Drew said making Charlie and I giggle even more

 "Just a little lesson when boys don't answer to the tiger," Charlie said still giggling.

 "You two are so weird, why do I sit next to you guys?" Drew said jokingly.

 "I don't know Drew, why do you?" Charlie asked starting their own conversation.

 "What's that all about?" Ethan whispered in my ear making me shiver.

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