Someone Died?

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I woke up the next morning to my built-in alarms. Two teenage boys. 

I was sleeping peacefully when I heard Jon yelling ' I was here first!'

'In your dreams' was Jordan's response. What could they possibly be fighting over at 6:30 in the morning. 'I was in the bathroom first'

Oooohhh! It was bathroom wars again. I had forgotten about that. Well school does start today only right the tradition does too. So I did what I do best. I grabbed my towel, opened the door and headed right past them to the safety of the bathroom all three of us shared. Before they could ever figure out what hit them the door was shut and locked and the water was running, and I got to hear my favorite sound in the world. 'MOM!!!'


After my peaceful long shower and glares from both my brothers I went into my room to get ready for the day. I put on my brand new black and white striped romper, and because I'm a seventh grader now I figured that it called for some mascara. After that was done I put on by black sandals and grabbed my teal and gold backpack, then headed down stairs for breakfast.

'Morning Nat' dad said as he came up and gave me a kiss on the forehead holding a pan of eggs.

 The boys were already at the table chowing down on the food he had made. 'You ready for today? Not tired at all right?' he asked in remarks last night.

'No and no.' I said with a sass exaggerating my point.

'Ah come on lil sis seventh grade is the best' Jonathan tried to tell me.

'Says you, that's the only grade you didn't fail a class' jordan retorted

'Alright enough both of you' mom said making her annual morning entrance

"okay but come on man you could at least take some pride in your appearance look up a How To tutorial in fashion or something "Jonathan said to Jordan snarkily

"Jonathan enough! "mom admonished

"guys I have a way to solve all of my problems in one Foul Swoop just hear me out "I stated matter-of-factly

"and what's that "dad asked

"I just don't go to school "

"yeah you know mom, dad, I totally agree. Natalie has a point we don't go and all of our problems are solved "Jon backed me up

" yeah nice try " dad said almost jokingly

"I'm serious all you have to do is call the school and say that you are homeschooling me from now on and everything will be perfect "I fought

" That's not how that works Nat "mom answered. Then all of a sudden we heard the dreaded sound of a horn honking, meaning it was time to go to school and dad made sure we knew it.

" rides here time to get going "he said

So reluctantly me John and Jordan grabbed our bags and headed out the door but not before our parents caught us for a hug and a kiss

"love you guys "mom said as we were walking out of the room

" be good have a good day "dad said just as we were heading out the door


Overall 7th grade didn't live up to what it was supposed to be. It just ended up being another day of school, and I was happy to hear that final bell ring. I met up with Jon and Jordan and we found our ride and ended up back at our house. We were met surprisingly by both of our parents, usually dad wasnt home yet.

'Take a set guys' dad said. He had a certain sadness to his voice that I couldn't quite place but you could tell it was there.

'What's wrong? What's going on?' I asked fear losing my voice

'How was school' mom asked ignoring the fact that I had even spoken

'What's wrong?' I asked again with more force. that will get their attention. i thought

'School was school' jordan said weary

'Jon how about you' dad asked

'Hello! Is no one hearing me!' I yelled not too loud but loud enough that everyone in the room turned their heads toward me. 'I said what's wrong?' Mom and dad both got very quiet and the boys looked at me as if they were just realizing something was up. God they could be so dumb sometimes.

In an attempt to lighten the mood Jonathan said 'Did someone die or something?' 

That one comment changed the entire room. Mom and dad looked at us remorsefully as if to say sorry for something we knew nothing about.

'Someone died' I said more as a statement than a question 'Who' I asked my voice beginning to shake

Mom and dad looked at each other for a long moment until they turned back to us and said the words that ruined everything.

'Your grandmother'

Natalie Kent (Superman's Daughter)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon