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Gwen concentrated as much as she could, maintaining her focus on the energy she felt swirling within her. Holding her hand's palm up, she closed her eyes and two balls of pink glowing energy appeared, one in each hand. Feeling the tingling on her skin, she opened her eyes, raising her arms high above her head towards the sky. As she looked up, she pushed the energy through her body forcing pink beams of energy to shoot upwards disappearing into the cloud coverage.

Slowly lowering her arms, holding them out at her sides, a large shield surrounded the entire team—except for Tony—in a pink glow.

"Kid?" Tony looked through the shield while everyone else stared between the two.

Smiling, Gwen instructed Tony to aim his suit at her and fire.

Tony's brows pulled together and his nose scrunched while he observed her in shock. "What? Absolutely not!" He exclaimed gaining a chuckle from a few of the others.

"It's one of the things I've been out here practicing. Bruce asked me what I wanted to focus on first, I said protecting my family. I have to learn this stuff if I want to help protect you guys, Tony."

"No. I'm not doing that. I'm not going to possibly hurt you on purpose."

"Sir, if I may," Peter started, "Thor has been shooting lightning at her and she's deflected them pretty well."

Steve and Bucky turned to Thor with the same look of anger in their eyes, "You were doing what?"

"Calm down, it only threw her back twice." Thor answered as if it weren't a big deal she was shot with lightning.

Bucky took a step towards Thor, Steve reached out to stop him, "As much as I don't like it either, Thor would never purposely put any of us in harm's way."

"It only took me twice to get a grasp on keeping the energy together so the shield wouldn't break. Please, Tony, either you do it or I have Thor do it again."

Chewing on his bottom lip in nervousness, Tony addressed Loki, "You can feel shifts within people, right? If you feel any type of shift in her strength or being in pain, you stop this."

Nodding without hesitation, Loki agreed and focused on Gwen.

Rolling her eyes, she glared at Loki knowing he was enjoying this way too much.

Closing the face of his helmet, Tony raised his arm and activated the repulsor's, "25% Jarvis, no more."

Gwen rolled her eyes and let out a huff, but accepted it.

The repulsors hit their high-pitched whine and the beam hit the shield, bouncing back with ease. Impressed, Tony nodded and watched a smile spread across Gwen's face.

"50% Jarvis," he stated and shot out another beam. When he reached full capacity of the repulsor's strength, the shield stood strong, even after Tony held the beam for quite some time. Needless to say, he was impressed.

Gwen lowered her arms allowing the shield to fall. Tony stepped forward opening the face of the helmet, "You're doing well, kid."

"Stop calling me that, you're younger than I am."

"Technically so, but according to the rest of the world, I'm seven years older than you."

"That doesn't make me a kid. I'm not a kid."

Tony nodded in amusement which fueled Gwen's irritation.

"I'd like to test moving objects, is that doable right now, Bruce?"

"We've been out here for hours, maybe you should rest for a while. I don't want you burning yourself out."

Frowning because she felt fine, energetic actually, she argued, "I feel great, Banner. I have so much energy pent up, I need to get this out of me. I feel like I'm going to shake out of my skin."

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