Nodding, Peter smiled, placing his hand over hers where it rested on the armrest. "I just don't want you to get hurt."

"As long as we don't push her to extreme right from the beginning, I think everything will be ok. This is going to take time. It's going to be an extensive process." Bruce added to the conversation.

Gwen could tell Peter was apprehensive, but he was trying to hide it from her.

"How about this," she began, "what if you and a few of the others come outside with us? That way if something goes wrong, Banner isn't left to deal with me on his own." Glancing quickly at Bruce, she added, "Not that I think you're incapable of handling this."

Her quick save caused Bruce to smile in amusement, "No. I think it's a good idea, actually. Better safe than sorry."

"Right. Peter, do you mind grabbing Thor and Nat?"

"What about Steve? Wouldn't you want him there?"

"Yes. But he's busy helping Tony right now. He needs to be there for Bucky."

"You could take Sam with you." Bucky's voice chimed in.

Gwen glanced up at Bucky noting the annoyed glare he was giving Sam. Sam returned his glare, refusing to back down.

"Boys, play nice." Gwen scolded.

Shaking his head, Steve chuckled and mumbled to himself, "Not even back together a full day and she's already trying to keep us in line."

"I heard that!" Gwen exclaimed as Bruce removed the sticky circles from the sides of her face.

"I think you were meant to," Bucky grinned. He really missed the interaction between the three of them.

Gwen wanted nothing more than to be sitting over there with Steve and Bucky, but she knew it was important to learn what that serum did to her. She knows she feels great, stronger even, but when she began feeling worried for her friends, overwhelmed with panic, she felt that first outburst from her body and felt out of control.

Making her way across the lab to the boys, she stood between Sam and Steve. Holding Bucky's hand, she saw the look of concern in his eyes.

"I'll be fine, Buck. These people are friends. They will fight to make sure I stay safe during this. You can trust them."

Squeezing her hand with a smile, he glanced over to Tony, "You sure about that? I've got a crazy genius over here that is too intrigued with what Hydra did to me, and a bird brain back here making snarky comments."

Nudging Sam's shoulder with hers, he held his hands up in defense, "I'm only calling things as I see them, princess."

"Don't call me that, you know I hate it." She glared. "Please try to get along. You, too, Tony."

Tony glanced up with furrowed brows, "Hey, I'm minding my own business over here."

Narrowing her eyes, she pointed at him as she spoke, "No more experiments on him. You tell him what you're doing before you do it. If he doesn't consent, you don't do it. Simple as that."

Tony watched her walk away with a raised eyebrow, "The sass in that one kills me."

"I mean it, Tony. Don't make me come back down here." She called over her shoulder.

Rolling his eyes, he answered with, "Yes, mother." Causing the guys to chuckle.

Bucky didn't know how to feel about having the right to make decisions on his own again. He spent decades taking orders, being told how to think, and then wiped clean and complying all over again. He was never put in a situation where he was able to make decisions on his behalf, they were only ever made in the best interest of Hydra.

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