Natalie Kent

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Natalie Kent is the 12 year old daughter of Lois and Clark Kent and sister to 14 year old twins Jonathan and Jordan Kent. This is her story finding out new unexpected things about her and her family's life.

It's late at night and I know I should be asleep, however, my brother Jordan is blaring music so loud I can hardly hear myself think, I also just wasn't that tired. I decided to read a book with my bedside lamp turned on.

I suddenly heard the music subsided to a tolerable level. Thank god, I thought. Then as fast as the sound turned down it was cranked right back up again. Then I heard my door slowly creak open. It was my dad.

 Shoot I'm toast.

As an attempt to get into his good graces I said in my sweetest voice, 'Hi Dad.'

'Natalie' he said in a nonsense voice. 'Baby girl it's almost 11pm what are you doing awake?'' He came and sat on the edge of my bed, slowly lowering the book from my face, taking it into his own hands and marking the page I was on before placing it on my nightstand.

'Well Jordan was playing his music so loud and I couldn't sleep,' I simply stated.

'Ok so if it was too loud, why didn't you ask him to turn it down or tell your mom?'

'Because I'm not even that tired' i stated matter-of-factly

'Oh yeah. Why don't we see how tired you'll be tomorrow when you have to go to your first day of 7th grade.' he said with a small smile on his face

'Ugh!' I said,  'Don't remind me.'

'Alright alright as long as you go to sleep.'

'What! The boys aren't even close to going to bed.' I whined

'Yeah and they are also two years older than you.'

'Yeah and ten times less mature.' I declared

'Maybe so but that doesn't change the fact that i'm telling you to go to bed right now.'

'But I wasn't-'

'-No buts' he cut me off 'Bed. Now.' he said not meanly just a little strict

'Fine' I groaned. He smiled and bent down to give a kiss on the forehead and tucked me further into the blankets I was already smothered in.

He turned off my lamp and went to leave the room, but before he made it out he took an abrupt turn back and stole the book off my nightstand. I groaned yet again as a response. 'Go to sleep. I love you.' he said while closing my door for the final time that night.

Not more than a minute later I heard Jordan's music dissipate, and finally I was lulled off to sleep by the sound of my fan.

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