"How..." I trailed off, the fire was definitely not an accident. Ashley was behind it no doubt. We hadn't lit any candles and I triple-checked that all the stoves and ovens were off before we left.

Ace glared up at the sky, throwing up his middle fingers, "This was my favourite house, Ashley!"

"Where are we gonna go now?" Ellie asked.

"You'll come with us, without causing any problems," A voice called from behind us.

Four men in black approached us.

"Lovely," Dallas muttered. "Just. Wonderful."

Even so, none of us argued, following the men around the blazing house and into a black limousine, something I'd never had the privilege to sit in previously.

There was no point in resistance. We needed to get to the manor anyway.

"Hungry?" One of the men grinned at me, once we'd settled into our seats. He held out his hand, offering me a bag of chips.

I eyed him suspiciously, "Why?"

"You look hungry, or maybe that's just me," His grin quickly curled into a suggestive smirk as he unashamedly eyed me.

For god's sake. I was wearing the baggiest clothes I owned. Instinctively, I scooted closer to Dallas, looking away.

Noticing my discomfort, Dallas grabbed the man's hand earning a yelp and dropping the chips. I swore I could hear bones breaking.

"Look at her again and I will pluck out your eyes and feed them to your ass hole."

"Relax, man," The guy objected, whimpering in his grasp. "I'm sorry, I won't look at her."

Dallas scoffed, letting go of him before throwing his other arm around my shoulders.

"Don't look at her either," Ace hissed, referring to Ellie, pulling her closer to himself. He glared at the rest of them, "Same for the rest of you."

Ellie and I locked eyes, smiling softly at each other.

Protective boys were attractive boys.

* * *

After the guys threatened the men, they left us alone. We didn't bother speaking in front of them, not wanting to accidentally spill information they didn't already know. I wondered if Beau knew anything about the Aztec Jewels. Because if he did, he really should've told us.

We drove with radio music playing in the background. The sun was gone by the time that the limo came to a stop. The four of us were then led to a mini plane, which made me wonder where Sky was.

The flight was filled with more silence. I spent half of it asleep, waking up with my head in Dallas's lap. The closer we got to the manor, the more anxious I grew about coming across the blonde witch.

But instead of seeing Ashley when we arrived at the manor, the four of us were shoved into the basement.

This time the lights were on.

"Why do we always wind up in this room?" I protested, nearly emptying my guts at the sight of my dead grandmother. It was inhumane to leave anyone, especially the granddaughter of a carcass in the same room. Ashley was going to die on my hands, that was a promise.

My friends said nothing in response.

I could tell everyone was sick and tired. We had only just had four days of normal life, at least we'd pretended it was normal.

The FBI on our backs, a crazy lady after my parents' money. It was all just a little too much.

"I'm probably going to be forced into marriage once again," I sighed, breaking the silence as I leaned my forehead against the cool wall.

It was then that a spider thought it would be funny to crawl down my cheek.

I screamed bloody murder, startling the other three.

I'd finally calmed myself down when we heard the lock on the door click open.

The four of us shared nervous glances.

But instead of Ashley or Sebastian, someone I wasn't afraid of, but annoyed by walked in.

"Kyle?" I scowled, "What are you doing here?"

That was when I noticed what he had on.

He was wearing a dark vest, the kind that crossing guards usually wore. Instead of bright colours and lines, however, cords wrapped around the vest, circling his body. But that wasn't the concerning part.

Each coil of rope held up a stick of dynamite.

"Kyle..." I muttered, jumping to my feet to form some distance.

Please don't be what I think it is. Please don't be. Please.

Kyle smiled at me as he tossed me a small device-like object. As I examined it closer I noticed a tiny keypad and a small screen that glowed with a set of numbers.

Those numbers were counting down something.




"You have an hour, or three thousand six hundred seconds to figure out the code, or else, I blow up, and well," Kyle chuckled, "We all die."

A suicide bomb.


* * *

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xx IceCat

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