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Ace ran for the door.

Kyle laughed in mock-pity. "There's no point, it's obviously locked."

Even so, Ace yanked at the door handle.

When it didn't budge, he kicked the door.

A bomb. A freaking. Bomb.

If I didn't think Ashley was crazy before, she'd certainly lost it now. And how absolutely selfish must she be to put her own son's life at risk?

I tried to control my nerves, being calm was the best option at the moment. I turned to Kyle, eyeing the vest of dynamite. "How are we supposed to guess the code? It could literally be anything. How many characters is it? Do you have any hints?"

Kyle said nothing as he reached behind and pulled out a slip of paper from his back pocket.

He offered it to me.

Glaring at him, I unfolded the paper to find a bunch of writing scribbled against it.

"What's that?" Ellie asked over my shoulder.

"A riddle," Kyle shrugged. "It's supposed to help you figure out the code. My mom says it's not as obvious as you might think it is though."

I furrowed my brows as I read the paper.

I am unexpected.
I am fun.
I make good people.
Want to run.
It takes two.
One me.
The other you.
Hopefully the walls don't listen.
Because what we're about to commit.
Certainly isn't Christian.

Ellie scoffed. "Great, we get a whole load of mumbo-jumbo."

"Just tell us what the stupid code is, Kyle." Dallas hissed.

Kyle shrugged, "Believe me, I would. I'm not fond of dying. But I don't know it. Mother says it's only something you guys would know."

"We can figure this out," I muttered, not sure who I was trying to convince as I reread the riddle before passing it to Ace.

I repeated the words in my mind.

What takes two people?

Dating. Marriage. Divorce.


"How about affair?" I thought aloud. "That takes two people and connects to Ashley."

"Worth a shot," Dallas nodded.

I punched in the letters and pressed enter.

The screen flashed red.


"What on earth could it be otherwise?" I exclaimed in frustration. "She has to be talking about her affair with the Vice President, right?"

"Maybe some synonym for affair?" Ace offered.

* * *

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