Chapter 28. 'Trap and Catch.'

Start from the beginning

Nishi leaves without a word with the four college students following her behind with running minds.


She walks to Kabir, Ariv and Rohan to give Rohan the Sim and the chip which she used in Aniket's phone to record Tripti's statement. Infact, Ariv recorded her statement in the camera just the way it was all planned unknown to Tripti and the four college students. Nobody knew about all of this except Rohan, Kabir, Ariv, Nishi, Chaitanya, Suhaas, the Principal and the Dean of the college himself. Nishi definitely told her seniors about the plan to find out the master mind but she did not tell them about the police and the school and college authorities' involvement in the matter at a serious level.

All of them could see her real face now, a criminal's face.

Tripti looks at Nishi with shocked wide eyes who is now standing near Rohan and understands in just a second that this teenager did all this to unmask her and make her accept her dirty deeds. She abruptly walks towards the teenager with a murderous look. The girl almost slapped Nishi but Amol grabs her hand in time and Arav comes in front of Nishi in just a second like a human shield. Kabir and the two officers walk towards Nishi in haste but stop realizing that Amol and Arav will not let her hurt the teenager in anyway.

"Don't even think about it!" Amol says harshly leaving Tripti's hand with a cold stare that could freeze any heart.

"Why did you do this? I can't believe it, you did this all?! Almost ruined our lives! Made us each other's enemies! Why?!" Arav asks her gritting his teeth. He finally asks the question which almost made him crazy since the time he got to hear her statement.

"You are asking me why I did this?!" Tripti says in low tone, then suddenly raises her voice at them getting attention from some students of nearby classes who could hear them clearly and see them through the windows as she shouts angrily, "BECAUSE YOU MURDERED MY SISTER!"

Her words shock everyone on the spot making some of the students' eyes go wide except Nishi and the officers who knew well exactly what she was talking about as they already checked any relation between the four college students and Tripti.

Tripti shouts further with pain in her voice as her eyes tear up, "YOU MURDERED RITIKA DI! MY COUSIN SISTER, SHE DID SUICIDE BECAUSE OF YOU FOUR! Ritika Di was in love with Tej Bhai but you guys told him that my sister is not right for him and you even made sure that there is no connection between the two of them at any cost! When she proposed him, he said no because of you four! You manipulated him to not to date her! She couldn't bear the rejection and she took her own life! ONLY BECAUSE OF YOU!"

Nakul snickers bitterly and then says with rage looking at her directly in eyes, "Love?! You are calling it love?! She stalked him almost till his own house! What he eats? Who he meets? His perfume! His favourite snacks! EVERYTHING! पैरों के जूतों से लेकर बालों में which gel he uses? She stalked him for every bloody thing! That's not LOVE! That's bloody OBSESSION! And she was a bloody criminal just like you! Because she didn't only threaten girls to stay away from him but she almost sent one of Tej bhai's friends in the hospital just because he said in a joking manner that Tej Bhai will never like her!"

[ Translation : "EVERYTHING! From shoes to hair, which hair gel he uses?" ]

[  NOTE : Sometimes when the dialogues are long and there are hardly one or two lines said in Hindi or any other language which need translation, the complete dialogues will not be written in the translation. Only those will be translated which are not in english language because it consumes time and also makes the chapter lengthy than needed and takes a lot of energy. So, from now on, only that part will be translated which is written in another language to save time, space and energy.

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