Chapter 12

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Note: I just wanted to mention that my updates won't be as frequent from here on out. I have to focus on my original novel, on editing it and getting it published, so I'll really only have time for fanfiction on Fridays. As such, I'm planning to rotate my three fics in a cycle. So expect this one, "Fathers and Sons," and "Companions" to be updated on a three-week cycle.

Also note, I am trying to tie the histories and lore of Faerun and Middle Earth together. In this AU fic, (and please note the AU part), my theory is that both Middle Earth and Faerun are on the same continent and that Faerun is the western continent and Middle Earth is the eastern continent. I am going on this theory for my "Father and Sons" and "Companions" fics as well. I am using the wiki to piece together canons, but I want to emphasize that this story is AU.


Legolas kept alert as they moved through the dense forest. As he inhaled the scent of pine and birch and oak, he felt as though he had come home. This place, the High Forest, was so much like the Mirkwood of old, like how it was when it was called the Greenwood. The air was light and fresh, despite the thick canopy dimming the sunlight, casting a permanent shadow over the land below.

Legolas knew his home was sick. When he had left it, Mirkwood was in a state of decay, unlike anything he had seen. The air had been thick and the stench of rotting vegetation was ever present. But here, the trees were healthy and alive. Flowers bloomed and squirrels and birds fluttered about, bounding happily in the brush.

Legolas could walk in this forest with confidence, despite the thought of what dangers lurked within these trees. They had already encountered only a sampling of the creatures that lived here when they had encountered the ghoul.

And perhaps that was what kept him grounded in the present. The truth of the matter was that this was not his home. And these were not his trees. He was a stranger in this land. He was reminded more so of this as he glanced back toward Drizzt and Ky'lor, who carried the makeshift stretcher bearing Dinin. Catti-brie lingered behind the drow, guarding their rear with her magnificent bow always at the ready.

Legolas took up the lead. He didn't know where he was leading them. He moved swiftly along the narrow dirt path that took them deeper and deeper into the forest. But by taking the lead, he could believe in the illusion that he was in control here. That he was home in a place that was familiar to him.

And being in the lead also meant that he wouldn't have to look at the drow. He tried to keep his negative thoughts at bay, but he wanted nothing more than to turn around and kill all three of them. And he certainly felt guilt and shame for having such thoughts. Because he had thought that Drizzt was his friend. He thought Drizzt could be trusted.

Drizzt had been there, right beside him, in those horrible days when he was tortured by the members of House Baenres for no other reason than he was an elf. Drizzt had proven that he wasn't like others of his race, that he had a heart of principles and compassion and empathy, and of honor.

Yet it was all a lie. Legolas felt betrayed. Drizzt and Dinin had taken part in a massacre! And Legolas did not know what part his friend had played in the slaughter, but the knowledge of it all cast a dim shadow on their friendship. Drizzt refused to talk about the incident and Legolas had to wonder if only trauma motivated his silence or if it was guilt and remorse. Either way, Legolas wasn't sure he could ever look at his friend the same way again.

Of course, he held nothing but contempt for Dinin. As they moved through the forest, the drow's pitiful moans and whimpers only made the elf angrier. And guiltier, because in his true heart, he wanted to feel sympathy for someone who was suffering. He tried to force himself to feel empathy for Dinin. But he couldn't. And he silently hoped that the drow would simply expire and he wouldn't have to listen to those pitiful sounds.

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