Day 7

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Day 7:

Grant, unlike many others, was one of the more calm people in the technology crash. Some holed themselves up at home and sat quivering, unknowing what to do, others went outside for the first time in their lives. People’s five senses were overwhelmed by all the new experiences. Large groups of people climbed flights of stairs to jump from the top resulting in mass suicides in Asia. They were so dependent on their devices, they felt they needed them for survival. Morgues couldn’t keep up with the work in some places. Death was happy at the occasion to be able to claim so many souls.

In Europe, violent protests broke out, leaving many injured and dead. People shouted slogans and held posters. Guns were heard; the great bang they made when fired. Law enforcement, who had had the most boring job in the world, became active. They had to use their training, or lack there of, to quell the riots. Gas canisters flew out over large crowds causing the people to scatter.

In Africa, people looked curiously at the shutdown visors. They had not had the technology for long, only a few generations. Most people went on with their lives. They  went back to how their grandparents lived. Some children threw a fit that they could not access their favorite online games but that was the extent of the damage.

As night descended on the seventh day of the tech crash, the disaster left behind was evident as people turned in and slept in their nice comfortable beds.The day of destruction was over.

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