Chapter 3

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Hey, so wow I am on a roll with this book! I posted two chapters in one night yesterday! Well, I mean I guess one was only a page long but. . hey! I was tired. Anyways, thanks for reading please comment and I am dying to hear any ideas if u got em. Thanks a whole bunch and hope you like it!


Isadora's POV

They both turned to me at the same time. "WHAT?!"

Lucas automatically started whining. "Oh, no, Dora. I need my own space! I can't share a room! You share!" He said at the exact same time that Skyler said: "Uh uh. No way is this happening! I will not share a room with Lucas!"

I raised my hand and they both stopped complaining. "I cannot share a room."

"Selfish." Lucas murmured.

I glared and swiped my hand in a motion ment to knock him on his back side but he blocked it with an upward slice of his hand and a smirk. Our invisible forces collided and we both landed on our bottoms.

Skyler giggled and Lucas made a pushing sign with his hand that made her fall down on the floor with us. "Jerk," she hissed.

He just laughed. "You know it."

There was a bang at the door. I jumped up and dusted off my dress. "I will get it." I skipped over to the door and opened it. A man about nineteen years old stood there with annoyed look on his face. Then he looked at my face and his jaw dropped. I rolled my eyes. Men. . .

Skyler's POV

The man looked shocked when he saw Isadora. She ignored his expression. "May I help you?"

"Yeah, um, I was, just- uh I was just in my room. Next- next door and I- I heard some loud noises. And I-"

"Will you spit it out already?!" She yelled at him. I stood up, uh oh. Better handle this before she slaps him like she did me.

"Hey, Lucas," I whispered in his ear as he stood up.

"What?" He whispered back.

"How to I hide these things?" I said motioning to the white wings cascading from my back.

"Concentrate. Focus on them. Know what you want, and give it to yourself." He said.

I want to hide my wings, I want to hide my wings. And suddenly they were gone. I sighed and strutted from the back room to the front door where Isadora and the man were having an arguement.

"Excuse me," I interrupted. "What's the problem here?" I said in an innocent voice.

The man looked from me to Isadora and back and forth. "There's two of you?" He looked over our heads into the apartment. "Are there more pretty girls coming out of this hotel room soon?"

Isadora hissed. I turned to her. "Dora, go back inside I deal with this everyday. I can handle it." I whispered to her. I had to get her back inside before she got really angry and blew half of the building away. She stormed away.

The man looked to me. "What's her problem?" He said pointing at Isadora's retreating back.

"Nothing, um, just some anger issues," I replied stepping out into the hallway and closing the door behind me. "Now what's the matter?"

He shook his head as if to clear his mind. "Look, I was sleeping and I heard a bunch of banging sounds and I just wanted to ask if you could keep the noise to a minimum and that chick got all mad."

I rolled my eyes. "That's all you want?" I said putting a hand on my hip.

He looked me up and down. "And a date with you would be pretty nice."

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