Alex The Victim

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"Did you have fun?" Alex asks,.kissing my head. I nod. Luca had gone to work, and it was me and Alex, alone all night. "I did. It was strange, I had pictures then... different." He laughs. He throws his jacket on the hook, and wraps his arm around me. He steers me twords his room and I panic. "it's fine. I just want to lay down for a while." I nod. He kicks off his boots and j do the same and we lay on our back. "Can you tell me about your life?" I ask him. He tends to ask about miej, but he doesn't share much. I know who's in his family and that they had no choice in turning. I've never even met there dad, but I'm guessing there is a reason for that. "Well, you know my mother died. My sister died. But we had turned before she died. My dad...he didn't give me or Luca the choice."

Alex's story
"Have you heard the rumors?" Luca asks. I nod. I know exactly what he's talking about. "Daliah is a vampire. Same as the last person. I'm surprised they haven't tried her for witchcraft of the sort." I tell him. Lilah stands. "vampires, witches, what next werewolf's? These are all blasphemy brothers. Please do not push the subject otherwise. I have to get to town before it's to late to shop." Me and Luca sat there goodbyes. "Should we get her dad's out hunting one right now?" I ask. Luca laughs. "no. She'll cry. And be worried for no reason." The door slams open and my father stumbles in. He's pale, blood falls from his mouth and he's clutching his stomach. "Father…" I step forward and his eyes dart to mine. "R….run." Luca pulls my arm to get me from my state of shock. We run. People jump back and I hear screams behind us. My father, is the cause. I'm pulled into an ally, Luca breathing hard. "Listen, we split up. I'll distract him, that's still our father. He will listen to reason." Luca wasn't much older than me, but he acted as if he was a parent. "Luca…" but he hugs me and runs out. I hear yelling but I don't stay. Because then, everything he would do would be in vain.

It's been eight hours. I'm huddled in the worst part of the neighborhood, hiding under the awning of a building as the rain assaults the world around me. There's a rustling noise and I'm on alert. Luca peaks around the corner. In the dark, I can only make out his shadowy clothes and his silhouette of his face. "Luca, I thought he got you I…." "He did get me brother…" he steps into the light and I see it. The blood from his mouth. He's turned. "Luca…." "You need to take Lilah and Run. Far." He swallows hard. "No…you're my brother. I want to be with you forever." "Alexander, I do not wish to do this to you." He admits. "Lucas…" I say his full name. He hates it. " was horrible Alex. Painful. Excruciating." "I am ready." I tell him. It's a lie, but I don't tell him this. "I must drink from you first. is tiring. You will start to fall asleep. Pain will take.over. knock you out like it did me. When you awaken, you will be...dead." I nod. He sets next to me. "Father gave me no choice. Are you sure Alex? I will not think of you any differently." "I am sure." He nods. He takes my wrist. "I biting from her. Okay?" I nod. The initial pain is a small.poke and soon, I am tired. My body wants to sleep but fire takes its place. It starts in my wrist, working through my body. The worst is my heart. I scream. I scream and scream until the world fades to black and my last thought it, maybe I don't want to wake up.

"What about your sister?" "We sent her far away. Hidden from my father until she died." He explains. "Have you forgiven him? Your father?" "In a sense. Me and Luca don't speak with him, because he doesn't think he did wrong." "How could that not be wrong?" He shrugs. "It is how he thinks. We love forever and he thinks this is a gift." "Is it?" "I used to think so, after I got.over being angry. But before the island, we had to hide. To constantly move when we didn't age. I...I had a girlfriend before I turned. We were going to get married..but when you turn, you know they are not for you. For a while, it was dark. I felt like I was drowning. We got the island, built it with our bare hands and a little magic for the sun. But it was still boring. Me and Luca are close, and time has not changed that, so he helped me get through my dark times.But then I met you." I'm ready to cry and bury my face in his chest. He wraps his arms around me. "I know this is all so new to you. There is very little you know, I am sure that is overwhelming. But Luca and I, we have waited our whole lives to find you, and we are here to stay. Although, I must admit, I do get slightly jealous. You are clearly closer. It's not uncommon. I just wish it was me." "Alex...I love being with you both equally. But I don't feel your emotions. I can them if that makes sense. Why is that?" "It will change if you ever turn. But as long as you feel a connection…" a knock on the front door pulls us from the conversation. Alex groans.."go away!" It gets louder. He gets up and I reluctantly follow. He opens the door and his whole.demeanor changes. His shoulders stiffen and he gets taller. I don't need to feel.his emotions to know he's uneasy. I see the man as he brushes last Alex. It's clear, this is his father. He holds the stature and jaw like of.both Luca and Alex. He holds green eyes and brown hair. "You get a mate and don't tell your father." It's then I think, did he get a mate, or was his wife his only love? Did he even love her, this man looks mean. His eyes hold no softness.  "It was none of your concern." He waves him off. He sets his hand protectively on my back. His father's eyes find it. "Maybe introduce us then?" He offers. "Father, this is my mate Aria, Aria, my father Samuel." "How hard was that Alexander?" "Why are you here father?" "I can't visit my son just to say hello?" He crosses his arms. He wears a dark blue suit with a blue tie, reminding me of a politician. Alex raises a brow. "Fine. Fine. I was merely curious on who you and my other son was blessed with." He up and down. "You saw her. You can leave." "She looks like Sarah." Alex eyes narrow. "Do not speak of her." His voice is laced with venom. His eyes flash red. Oh shit. "Why? Did I touch a nerve?" I want to ask who Sarah is but this does not seem like the time. He takes a deep breath. "Leave." Samuel laughs. That's all it takes. He lunges as Samuel and they crash. The living room table smashes to pieces.  Five months into being here and this is the first time I've seen Alex like this. "You asshole!" Samuel shoves him, and Alex his the counter with a thud. He growls and stands back up. "Fuck you!" I scream and jump back as they land infront of me. Luca runs in, and I am greatful. "Go in the room." I leave. I hear Luca yelling and a door slamming. I realize I am helpless here. And I want to go home. I curl up on the bed and fall asleep.

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