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Matt knew what had happened to Reid, what he just went through and he also knew what he was fighting on the side so when he looked up to the conference room after hearing a loud crash his heart stopped for a second before realizing he had just thrown a book. Which for the Spencer he met a couple of times now is something that you should be worried about. "Let me handle this, you keep checking those texts." He tells Garcia before running up the stairs to the conference room. "Do you need any help?"

"I can't pass out right now." Reid says heavily breathing. "I can't pass out right now." He repeats. "Emily needs me."

"It is not helping when you hyperventilate, sit down for a second."

"No I figured this out it's-" He shuts his eyes for a second taking a deep breath that seems to pain him. "The- the- I-"

"It's alright." Matt steps forward grabbing Reid. "Let go."

"I need to help her. The B it stands for-" Struggling he pushes his palm into his eyes. "I am- I am-"

"Its okay,I've got you."

"It- It stands for banisteriopsis caapi- Its-" He loses the strength in his legs causing Matt to use his strength to sit him down. "It causes hallucinations. It's a plant."

"Okay,okay, that's good. You helped,you did your job."

"No- no- the plant, it means that- it means-" Spencer tries to push himself of the ground while talking to Matt,looking up to him. "He must tried this out- in DC- needs a partner."

"Okay, I got that."

"Can't be weak-"

"You are not being weak." Spencer stays on his shaking under arm, not looking up anymore.

"Search for religious- religious groups, new ones, in the DC area-"

"Alright,I will. You did good."

"Emily-" With that words on his lips he passes out laying on the conference floor.

"Emily would be proud of you." Matt tells him, before giving the information that Spencer just gave him to Penelope and then waiting for him to wake up.

He didn't.

He didn't wake up when the ambulance arrived.

He didn't wake up when Morgan showed up at his bedside.

He didn't wake up when Savannah let her hands guide through his curls.

He didn't wake up when Garcia cried next to him.

He didn't wake up when JJ looked at him in tears.

He didn't wake up when Will let's his hand guide over the thin arm.

He didn't wake up when Tara let her hands guide over the so innocent face.

He didn't wake up when Emily and Luke came back. Luke looking in shook at the Agent, Emily just leaning down to him and thanking him for saving her.

He didn't wake up when Rossi was able to walk to him after surgery and pressed a kiss to his forehead and he didn't wake up when Henry climbed on the bed hugging him closely.

People went in and out of that room and after a few days even Hotch who was released from witness protection after Mr Scratch had been caught.

Quietly he sits down in a chair next to his bed, Morgan had left the room to give him some time alone with him. He just watches him, wishing he had pushed him more to try more doctors, to just try more.

He moves closer, placing his hand in his hair just like he always did. Like he did all those times Spencer had passed out in front of him and eventually he let himself cry. He broke down in sobs, just playing with the curls, the feeling of the soft hair between his fingers his other hand placed on top of Spencer's.

Eventually he feels a hand on his shoulder, Rossi is standing behind him, offering comfort.

"I wasn't there for him. I promised I would never leave like Gideon and I did and I knew he was in prison and I did nothing."

"You had your family to protect."

"He is family."

"This was out of your hands, it always was."

"I should have fired him when it got worse. I should have relived the stress."

"No, you would have taken away what he loves doing the most. You can't know if there would have been a different outcome."

"I can't lose him."

"No one here can."

"Was someone with him?" Hotch asks.


"When he passed out."

"Matt Simmons. He called the ambulance." It wasn't even someone the kid really knows Hotch thought,looking up trying to stop the tears. "He will get through this."

It is late at night when Matt steps into the room, the beeping steady as he watches him. He didn't dare coming here before. He wished he had called the ambulance sooner over the last few days,he had prayed so much. "We always meet at the worst possible time."

"Matt?" A groogy voice asks and Matt flinched turning away from the window and to Reid.

"Reid, try- try to stay away. I am getting a doctor. You will be okay."

"What happened" Matt doesn't even hear that when he rans out of the room trying not to cause panic but also try to catch someone's attention so he goes up to the desk not far from Spencer's room.

"He is awake."

"I am sorry Agent?"

"The patient in room 456 is awake. He was in a coma over the last 6 days-" As the nurse rushes to Spencer's room and the doctors follow Matt got his phone out of the pocket and calls Garcia. "He is awake. Spencer is awake." And then for ones, not Spencer is the one passing out, but Matt is.

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