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"What's got you so worked up?" Savannah asks her Boyfriend who keeps getting up from the couch and checks his phone every few minutes before leaving the room and coming back.

"I told you about Spencer right?"

"You know you did what's wrong?"

"He is not picking up his damn phone or reading my text messages."

"And that is a problem why?" From what Morgan had told her, the two of them are inseparable.

"He wanted to text me something about a case."

"Is it so important that you need to know it now?" She asks sceptical.

"No. I don't care if I get that now or later but Spencer doesn't forget something like this and what if he is hurt or didn't wake up or-" Worried Morgan looks at his phone again.

"Wait a second." Confused Savannah gets up from the couch. "Why would he not wake up?" Morgan takes a moment before realizing that he may or may not had not told her about Reid's condition.

"I am sorry."

"What is it?"

"He has this condition. No doctor figured out yet what it is, believe me I dragged him to every Doctor in the country when this occurred but no matter how long I got him to stay at that hospital and at this clinic they never found something just passed us through to another specialist and now he-" Comforting Savannah rubs Derek's arm. "I tried everything but he said its enough and doesn't-"

"What is the condition? What happens?"

"He faints and that a lot. Sometimes multiple times a day, sometimes not. Sometimes he gets up afterwards like he just slept for eight hours sometimes he feels like he hasn't slept in 48 hours. Sometimes he faints wakes up for a few second and faints again."

"You never told me."

"I am sorry it wasn't on purpose." In that moment his phone rings. "Spencer?"

"Yeah, I am so sorry I stayed behind in the office and just only got to look up the name."

"It's fine don't worry." He gives Morgan the name and information and wishes him a goodnight before hanging up. "Sometimes I don't think he even knows how much we worry."

It isn't till late at night, Savannah's head resting on his chest when he starts talking about it again.

"I just have always this underlying fear that Spencer is laying in his apartment waiting for somebody to come and help him. Or in a subway station where what god knows could happen or on the street and getting hit by car,I just- I just always hoped we would find out what it is so it could be fixed or medicated. When he first fainted,I just thought he hadn't eat enough and than it got more and more and I was stuffing him with food and water and he went to see a doctor who admitted him to the hospital and he called me, because he was so scared, oh god he was so young, so I did everything I could,Hotch too. We searched for doctors specialized in anything that could be a reason. We found people with the same problem and we always hoped, I always hoped that this would go away again. Everytime a doctor told us he knew what this was, Spencer had so much hope and then it was just shattered again. He refuses to go to any doctor by now."

"You are the best friend somebody could wish for." Savannah quietly speaks,not sure how to make his hurt better.

"We argued so much, oh god, I always wanted to do what is best and I convinced him to try another doctor and another one and he was so tired at some point he let everything happen,he just let bad news come over bad news that kid went through so much and I just always hoped I could at least make this one thing better."

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