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The first time the kid passes out,was somehow not a suprise to anyone. They were standing in a conference room at a police station, Reid had started working at the BAU a few months ago and was doing anything to prove himself which left the man worrying.

"You okay?"

"I don't know- I- I-" Worried Gideon takes a step forward. "I feel kinda weird, I don't know- I-" And then he collapsed, the files falling out of his hands causing him and Morgan to rush forward before he passes out.

"JJ call an ambulance." Hotch ordered.

"Don't. The kid hasn't eaten anything today, he will be fine he just fainted." Right when he finished the sentence, Spencer came back to himself not even thirty seconds out.

"What happened?"

"You fainted." Morgan said while helping him sit up.

"I'll get a soda and after that something to eat for him." JJ announced leaving the room.

Comforting Gideon had a hand placed on the kids shoulder, trying to calm him down a little bit. "I am sorry I didn't know what was happening."

"It's okay, most people don't." Encouraging he smiled at him. "C'mon let's get you on that couch there, prop your legs up and get some sugar into you."

"I don't want to move yet,can we wait a little bit longer? I don't want to pass out again."

"Of course. But I think it would be smart to not wait to long. The longer you wait the more afraid you will be."

"We can't leave our genius behind in Minnesota." Morgan joked, making Reid blush a little bit.

They took it slow for the day, Reid just working from the conference room and being spoiled with soda and sugar by JJ.

It wasn't till two weeks later when he faints again. They are standing in the bullpen at the coffeemaker when Reid suddenly grabs Morgan's arm. "Wow what's wrong?"

"I think I will faint again- I- I- my legs."

"Alright, we are just gonna sit you down." Morgan puts his cup away and holds him close while guiding him down, placing Spencer's head on his legs. "JJ go get Gideon."

He is surprised to hear that Spencer fainted again and came worryingly into the kitchen niche were Spencer is already awake again. "What happened, kiddo?"

"I think I fainted again."

"Did you eat?" A nod. "Did you drink enough?" A nod. "Okay, we will keep an eye on that, let Morgan drive you home and get some sleep."

The third time it happens, they are in the field and Gideon just caught it in time, before his youngest agents slides down next to the SUV. "Hey Spencer" Worried he taps the geniuse's cheek. It had been five days from when he passed out in the office. "Spencer wake up."

"Again?" Worried Hotch looks down on them.

"I will make sure he sees a doctor." Spencer didn't. He pushed it back and back and then it happened the seventh time, the last time was only yesterday.

"You will leave this office now and you will go see your doctor, this is an order." Gideon says when the man is back on his feet clutching his bag anxiously. "You want me to drive you?" Spencer declines and makes his way out of the office, it didn't take long till Morgan got a call, a scared Reid on the end of the line,asking him to come to the hospital.

"Keep me updated, Morgan."

"I will."

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