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"Thank you for helping me with this." With a smile Will looks at Spencer after coming home from picking up various things such as cake, cupcakes, and drinks.

Will wants to suprise JJ for her birthday when she comes home from a weekend at a seminar. Spencer had watched the boys for this time and set the table. The others would step by too.

"Its not a problem, Micheal is actually asleep and Henry just went off to his room."

"He is probably playing with the LEGO set he got. I am sure he showed you."

"Yes. Every piece I believe." Slowly he feels the light rustle creeping in his ears as he watches Will take the grocerys out of the bag.

"Did the others write you yet?"

"Yes, Garcia is in. As well as Hotch, Rossi and Morgan. I am not sure about Tara she didn't write anything yet." His vision starts to be disrupted by dark colored spots.

"She is new. Maybe call her and tell her that JJ would be really happy to have her here."

"That's probably a good idea." Right when Will turns around he sees Spencer's arm slip from the counter.

"I've got your." With a pounding heartbeat he slides his arm over the edge preventing Spencer from hitting his head on it before grabbing him and guiding him down. Somehow he never witnessed him fainting before, he knew this happens and they spend a great amount of time together.

"Did Spencer faint again?" He was so tensed up he jumps at the voice from his oldest son as he comes into the room.

"Yeah. You said again did he faint earlier?"

"Two times,but don't be mad at him."

"I am not. Its nothing to get mad about, it's not his fault." Nervous Henry goes over to his father who puts one arm around him, looking at the watch on his other. "You okay Buddy?"

"I just don't like him fainting."

"Neither do I but we talked about this and Spencer will be fine. Look, he is six minutes out now he has a lot of time to wake up again." It didn't take long for Spencer to wake up after that. "You okay?"

"Yeah I am sorry."

"Nothing to be sorry for. Do need something?"

"Water please." Will stands up and gets Spencer a glass of Water while Henry makes himself comfortable in Spencer's lap as he leans against the kitchen to sit up. "Maybe wait with the cuddles a few minutes, Henry."

"I am good, it's okay." With a still shaking hand he takes the glass.

They get everything done after that and the rest of the team arrived in time too. Spencer is holding Henry in his arms as everyone is crouching on the floor in the dark waiting for JJ to show up. And the suprise was needless to say something that made her smile and maybe even shed a tear.

When Spencer faints again later that evening, Will gets up first, checking the man's pulse before turning back to the table while saying. "How do you guys not die of a heart attack? I saw this two times today and feel like I lost ten years of my life."

"Believe me,he is the reason for the gray hair."

"That's your age, Rossi." Spencer mumbles before passing out again and Will pales visibly before JJ puts an comforting arm around him.

"You'll get used to it."



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