4 . The accident

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                              Mike's POV

On the fifth day of conference, I was supposed to give lecture on trauma. It was actually my favourite topic being the ER doctor. But I was too tired because of the previous night shift. I changed quickly and went to the conference. When I entered there were many faces of girls surprised and giggling. I was used to that type of attention. I started the lecture and midway I asked one of my trick questions. I knew most of the students couldn't answer them. After many wrong answers, I saw a girl raising her hand. She was asian,with sharp facial features and brown eyes. Her body was slim with subtle fat in right parts. I felt something different looking at her. Her hair were long brown till the waist. I asked her and she answered rightly. I was surprised because most of the senior doctors couldn't answer it. I asked her name. Akshara....her voice was too sweet. I asked her the explanation and she answered correctly.' Beauty with brains' I thought to myself. She looked so innocent.I stared at her and continued my lecture. After lecture I thought of approaching her. But she went away too quickly. Later I asked Joseph,one of my interns,who was with her about her. I got to know that she came from a very traditional family. I  wanted to be with someone so innocent and beautiful. And she was going to get married

After the lecture I went to my flat to sleep as I had night duty again. I used to live with my best friend Luke. He was an orthopaedic doctor. We were friends since medical college. When I reached home Luke was already asleep as he was with me on duty. I slept till 7 pm. I was used to less sleep and it didn't bother me much. When I woke up Luke had already prepared dinner for us. He was a great chef. I rarely cooked because of him.

" Thanks for making dinner"

" You should learn to cook. Maybe your girlfriend would appreciate it. Wait....I forgot you don't have one!!!", he smirked.

" Just because you have Trisha doesn't mean you should taunt me everyday", I replied.

" You should find one. How long are you single? Last I remember you had one in medical school"

"I don't want to be distracted from work. When I like someone I don't exactly have a chance", I mumbled the last part.

" What do you mean?",he asked

I told him about the girl I saw today...Akshara.

"Maybe you will meet her again if it's in your fate", he said.

"Maybe.... now let's go we will be late for work", I said.

We took his car to the hospital. On the way, I saw a cab getting hit by a truck. It was brutal.

"Stop the car! Let's go and see", I said.

"The paramedics are there. We will get late for our shift", Luke said.

I felt I should definitely go there for some reason. Like my someone was there.

" Just stop. My intuition says we should help them.What if they are serious!! I am sure the hospital will understand", I said.

We parked our car and ran to the scene .By showing our Id we went to the cab. The paramedics were removing a man from the cab. He was unconscious.

"What is the situation?", I asked a nearby paramedic.

"The cab had two passengers and driver. Driver and one passenger is removed and one lady is stuck inside. Because of the crash that side is stuck.Firemen are trying to remove it.", he said.

I told Luke to check on the passenger who was evacuated. I leaned down to check on the lady. When I saw her face my breath hitched. It was Akshara.

She was unconscious. I examined her pulse. It was weak. Her forehead was bleeding and her leg appeared to be stuck in between the seats. I attached a neck collar to support her neck. tapped her on her shoulders trying to wake her up.

"Akshara! Akshara"

Thankfully she started opening her eyes. When she opened her eyes, she realised where she was. Her eyes widened with fear and she started crying.

"Where am I? What happened? ",she asked crying.

I held her hand.

" Hey calm down! You were in an accident. Don't move. We will remove you in some time. You remember me?", I said.

Partly I hoped that she would remember me as someone significant but I also wanted to test her memory.

" Dr ....Mike... what are you doing here?", she said looking to me.

"Don't move your neck....ok..? I will help you. ",I said reassuring her.

"I am scared. It's too dark here. I don't want to die. Everything hurts a lot", she said crying.

I couldn't see her crying in pain. It made my heart ache. I felt so hopeless. I wanted to hold her to my chest and take away all her pain.

" Don't worry. You won't die. I won't let you die. I am here. I won't leave you. They will remove you quickly. Trust me. Once you are removed I will treat you. Just don't close your eyes", I said squeezing her hand.

I kept talking to her the whole time to keep her awake. She was getting tired and closing her eyes. By that time Luke came to my side. He had stabilised her friend and ambulance took him to the hospital. I told him it was her.

When they removed the seat we slowly removed her from the seat and placed her on the stretcher. Her leg was deformed and she was loosing consciousness. We took her to the ambulance. Luke came with me because of her leg. We started attaching monitors on her. We bandaged her head to reduce bleeding.She appeared to be uncomfortable because of all men inside the ambulance. I explained her what I was doing to ease her uncomfort.

When I took a iv cannula to insert in her hand she literally pushed my hand away.

"Please don't. I hate needles", she said crying.

I understood she had needle phobia but her blood pressure was dropping so I had to insert it.

"Just close your eyes and it will be over in a second okay. It will be quick and painless", I said.

She closed her eyes and I quickly inserted the cannula. She winced in pain. Luke checked her leg and pulse was absent. We had to reset it immediately or she would lose her leg. We explained to her. She agreed reluctantly. I held down her shoulders to prevent her from moving. Luke reset it in place quickly. She was screaming and trashing trying to move the whole time. Luke quickly put it in support. By the time we reached at the hospital, she was unconscious.

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